
Latest version: v1.7.7

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- Fixed a bug in the test case filter that was matching nothing, so that no results ever made it to plots/tables.



- Added output of exception message in generalized unhandled exception trapper.
- Added `numpy` and `matplotlib` as pre-reqs for the fortpy installation.



- Fixed a bug introduced in revision 1.2.11 with path completions involving `~`.
- Added validation for commands that require variables to be set; previously it caused an unhandled exception.
- Added global exception handling for commands. Instead of just dying, the session gets saved automatically to `` before exiting when an unhandled exception occurs.



- Added support for directory navigation withing fortpy shell using `cd`, `pwd`, `ls`.
- Fixed support for relative directories such as `..` when selecting files or folders.



- Fixed a bug in `scripts/` for loading the shell history. For first time users with no history file, the script broke with a file not found error.



- Fixed a bug with imports in `/scripts/` when the `-pypath` parameter isn't used.
- Added full documentation to the fortpy unit test analysis shell in `scripts/`.

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