
Latest version: v3.0.27

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
🐛 Hotfixes

- Add git ignore option(-c) for excluding bjk7119 (135)

🔧 Maintenance

- Unify version output format bjk7119 (133)
- Change package to get release package bjk7119 (132)
- Update version of packages for actions bjk7119 (131)
- Modify typo of example of convert bjk7119 (130)



Not secure
🐛 Hotfixes

- Bug fix not to print no ext. file name bjk7119 (128)
- Modify to print file wo ext. correctly bjk7119 (124)
- Fix yaml file encoding error bjk7119 (120)

🔧 Maintenance

- Modify typo of example of convert bjk7119 (130)
- Modify to check file extension efficiently bjk7119 (129)
- Download license file regardless of representative license bjk7119 (127)
- Remove frequent license nick list file bjk7119 (126)
- Modify to match SPDX regardless of case bjk7119 (125)
- Modify to simplify file list in OSS_PKG_FILES bjk7119 (123)
- Add *sbom_info*.yaml pattern to OSS_PKG_INFO_FILES bjk7119 (122)



Not secure
🚀 Features

- Modify to run all mode on Windows bjk7119 (117)
- Exclude untracked files and ignored files in lint mode bjk7119 (113)

🐛 Hotfixes

- Fix yaml file encoding error bjk7119 (120)
- Replace windows operator to '/' for path in yaml soimkim (119)
- Fix Dep5 encoding error soimkim (118)

🔧 Maintenance

- Add tox configuration for Windows bjk7119 (116)
- Modify downloading the license text bjk7119 (115)
- Exclude untracked files in input path bjk7119 (114)



Not secure
🐛 Hotfixes

- Fix bug for not working options(-n, i) bjk7119 (111)
- Set lint mode to default mode. bjk7119 (111)
- Not print progress bar in add mode when interactive working bjk7119 (111)

🔧 Maintenance

- Print license text through notice parameter dd-jy (112)



Not secure
🐛 Hotfixes

- Fix bug that doesn't work -v, -h option bjk7119 (110)



Not secure
🐛 Hotfixes

- Fix bug in lint and add error for Windows bjk7119 (109)

🔧 Maintenance

- Add OSS pkg file list for Nuget bjk7119 (108)


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