
Latest version: v3.0.27

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
🐛 Hotfixes

- Remove unused packages bjk7119 (89)



Not secure
🔧 Maintenance

- Rename FOSSLight Reuse to FOSSLight Prechecker bjk7119 (87)



🔧 Maintenance

- Add -v option and error handling in convert mode bjk7119 (85)
- Move read excel code to FL Util bjk7119 (84)
- Apply fnmatch / re match to match file name bjk7119 (83)
- Remove scroll from html soimkim (79)
- Change it to a responsive table soimkim (78)
- Remove gray background from html soimkim (77)
- Modify html format when files exceeds 100 bjk7119 (76)



🚀 Features

- Add generating html format file bjk7119 (73)

🔧 Maintenance

- Add expand button in html bjk7119 (75)
- Add execution error handling for html bjk7119 (74)
- Change field's name in yaml file bjk7119 (72)



🚀 Features

- Make the sheet to convert selectable. (-s sheet name option) soimkim (65)
- Add the i (--ignore) option to not create a log file. soimkim (64)
- Add creating xml result file bjk7119 (53)
- Add code of creating yaml result file bjk7119 (52)
- Change -p, -f option bjk7119 (51)

🐛 Hotfixes

- Fix the bug that Excel cannot be created if there is only one row in Convert mode soimkim (58)

🔧 Maintenance

- Change path to analyze path to print in lint mode bjk7119 (71)
- Find sheet names without case sensitivity soimkim (70)
- Exclude for sbom info yaml file in Lint mode bjk7119 (68)
- update the minimum version of fosslight_util bjk7119 (67)
- Modification for compliance with pep8 bjk7119 (66)
- Exclude for open source package file in w/o list bjk7119 (63)
- Apply -o option in add mode bjk7119 (62)
- Check compliant except for files for which Exclude is True soimkim (61)
- Remove duplicate files in w/o license or copyright list bjk7119 (60)
- Load SRC, BIN Sheet in excel soimkim (59)
- Apply changed parsing_yaml return value bjk7119 (57)
- Apply parsing and convert new yaml format bjk7119 (56)
- Add excution error result bjk7119 (55)
- Modify function of converting excel to yaml bjk7119 (54)
- Remove yaml parsing code bjk7119 (48)
- Add a commit message checker soimkim (47)



🔧 Maintenance

- Change appending list in for loop to using yield bjk7119 (46)
- Apply f-string format bjk7119 (45)

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