
Latest version: v2.1.1

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Not secure

- Improve new lines in template


Not secure

- Improve release process - now handled correctly


Not secure

- First version of architecture documentation (according to Arc42)
- Inventory getter now supports wildcard * syntax
- Parallel processing bulk queries to FortiGates. This includes the following commands:
`fgt backup` `fgt get version` `fgt monitor hamaster`
- Introduce `fgt config get` command to (bulk) print parts of saved configuration
- Command `fgt hamaster` now supports Jinja2 templating


- Much better session key handling for FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer
- FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer session key can now be saved into a file
- Improved CHANGELOG and WHATSNEW handling for new releases
- `fgt monitor hamaster` now uses the API to query FortiGate instead of SNMP
- Migrate `fgt config`, `fgt get` and `fmg get` commands to use the Result class


- Module pysnmp is not used anymore as we use API for all use cases now


Not secure

- Add documentation about templating with jinja2
- Add documentation about how to import fotoobo into Python modules
- Add \_\_init\_\_ to the autodoc documentation
- Add raw option `-r` or `--raw` to cli commands for ems monitor


- Beautify `ems monitor` commands output
- Optimize the way to import fotoobo in Python modules. For example you may now do
`from fotoobo import FortiGate` instead of `from fotoobo.fortinet.fortigate import FortiGate`.
- Refactored whole code to use `pathlib.Path` instead of `os.path`
- Introduced a new `Result` class to abstract the output of the tools from the CLI print logic
and started to migrate to this class for `ems monitor`, `fgt backup` and `convert` commands to
use it.
- The inventory will now be searched relative to the `fotoobo.yaml` if given by a relative path
(instead of searching from the cwd, which can cause confusion)
- Update Sphinx to 6.2.1


- Fix pyasn1 to 0.4.8 due to pysnmp dependency
- Fix a bug with non existing cookie path for EMS
- Fix default values for jinja2 template helper


Not secure

- It is now possible to use a custom CA to verify the connections to your Fortinet devices


- Command `fotoobo fmg assign` now lets you specify which global policy to assign
- Changed the order of arguments in `fotoobo fmg post` and made host optional with "fmg" as default.


Not secure

- Renamed the following commands:
- `fotoobo fmg set` -> `fotoobo fmg post`
- `fotoobo fgt check` -> `fotoobo fgt monitor`
- Changed argument ordering of the following commands (since host is usually optional):
- `fotoobo fmg assign`
- `fotoobo fmg get policy`
- Invoking fotoobo (or any sub-command) without arguments displays the help instead of an error

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