
Latest version: v2.1.1

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- Fix poetry dependencies with old poetry versions



- Add Sphinx with autodoc for project documentation
- Verbose mode (-v) for fotoobo get version which also shows most important module versions
- Add jinja2 to dependencies for template handling
- Cli command "ems monitor ..." for several monitoring tasks (shouldn't it be moved to "ems get"?)
- print_dicttable to output helper (prints a dict as key/value table)
- LICENSE file and license clarification in
- Lukas Murer is now also an author (thank you!)
- Helper variable "cli_path" for saving the complete cli command path
- Cli command "ems get workgroups"
- Option -V and --version addition to "get version"
- Sponsors section in with Migros logo


- Change and improve the logging handling
- print_datatable now pretty prints dicts and lists in values
- Changed smtp output to also send cli_path in body of e-mail
- Typer callback functions now add the invoked_subcommand to the cli_path variable
- Optimize tox package handling
- Improve git caching mechanism
- Simplify get_version and update tests
- Structure of "fotoobo get" command
- Output of "get version" now in rich format
- Improve the fotoobo version test (testing with RegEx instead of hardcoded version)



- Add timeout option for fmg assign


- Change fmg assign to reflect reaching the timeout (no elapsed time, no history)



- fmg get devices for getting logical devices from FortiManager
- fgt check subcommand
- fgt check hamaster: checks the HA master status from all Fortigate clusters in a FortiManager
- config: add the snmp_community setting (for use with easysnmp)


- fmg assign now supports a comma separated list of ADOMs
- Removed redundancy in unit-tests for inventory.get() method (DRY)



- Downgrade the poetry version dependency from version =>1.2 to version =>1.1



- Add caching logic for converted checkpoint assets
- Add Inventory.get() to get a list of devices from the inventory (DRY)
- fmg get policy with html output method for filterable table (thanks to Alex)
- Output class for collecting messages and send them in a bulk


- Improve file_to_zip function (add level check and change return value to none)
- Change dev dependencies grouping in pyproject.toml
- Remove the login from the FortiManager and FortiClient EMS \_\_init\_\_()
- Move the smtp configuration from fotoobo.yaml to the inventory
- Use API for ems get version (instead of scraping login page)

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