
Latest version: v1.1.18

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Fixed a bug in `ftcli utils font-organizer` when the source string contains illegal characters.

0.8.0 file totally rewritten.

Added the `fcli utils recalc-italic-bits` command. When the `italicAngle` value in `post` table is not 0.0, the italic bits are set. If the `italicAngle` value is 0.0, the italic bits are cleared.


Bug fixes


ftcli assistant recalc-names`: name ids 1, 4 and 6 are automatically shortened by default if they exceed the length limit. Auto shortening can be deactivated passing the `--no-auto-shorten` option.

`ftcli names del-name` renamed to `ftcli names del-names`: now multiple names can be deleted at once.


Added the `ftcli vf2i` subcommand to export instances from a variable font.


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