
Latest version: v0.8.2

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- Bug fixes:
- Fix of bug that slowed down `TurbOParkIX` by considering all TI wakes instead of only source turbine wake during integration
- Fix of bug that prevented plotly wind roses to be shown in the documentation
- Fix in docu that excluded the algorithm models from the API
- Output:
- New: `Animator`, creates animations based on generators that yield lists of artists
- Examples:
- Improved: `timelines` now includes turbine REWS signal in animations
- Notebooks:
- Improved: `timelines.ipynb` now includes turbine REWS signal in animations

**Full Changelog**: [](


- Algorithms:
- Improved: `Iterative` now iterates through outer loop instead of within chunk
- Models:
- New wake frame: `Timelines`, propagates wakes for spatially uniform time series
- Tests:
- New test: `consistency/iterative`, checks if iterative algorithm gives same result
- Examples:
- New example: `timelines`, demonstrates the usage of the `Timelines` wake frame
- Improved: All examples were update for the correct usage of the `DaskRunner`
- Notebooks:
- New notebook: `timelines.ipynb`, showing how to use the `Timelines` wake frame in a notebook
- Data:
- New states data `timeseries_100.csv.gz`, a short timeseries with timestep 1 min, varying wind direction only
- Output:
- Improved: `FlowPlots2D` now has the optional argument `runner`, for computing plots with the chosen parallelization settings

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- Models:
- Improved: New option to specify wake growth variable name, such that multiple `kTI` models could be used, resulting in different `k`'s for different wake models
- New turbine model: `LookupTable`, interpolates data based on a multi-dimensional lookup table
- Utils:
- Improved `DaskRunner`: Now supports clusters that run the Slurm queueing system
- Examples:
- New: `timeseries_slurm`, shows how to run foxes on a HPC with Slurm queueing system
- Optimization:
- Improved: `foxes.opt` is now able to optimize for flow variables (at selected points in space) in addition to turbine variables
- Documentation:
- Improved API docu, now based on `python-apigen`

**Full Changelog**: [](


- General:
- Moving identifier-type entries from `foxes.variables` to `foxes.constants`
- Models:
- New wake superposition model `ProductSuperposition`, computing factorized wake deltas
- New turbine model: `RotorCentreCalc`, calculates data at rotor centre, irrespective of rotor model
- Bug fixes:
- Bug fixed that caused problems when restarting the `SectorManagement` turbine model, e.g. for flow plots
- Documentation:
- Completely new style, fixing issues with incomplete API entries

**Full Changelog**: [](


- Installation:
- `foxes` now supports Python 3.11
- Input:
- New layout input option: `add_from_df`, adding turbines from a pandas DataFrame
- New interface to [windIO]( case yaml files
- Turbine types:
- New turbine type `CpCtFile`, reads CP and CT data from file or pandas DataFrame
- New turbine type `CpCtFromTwo`, reads CP and CT data from two files or pandas DataFrames
- Improved: Turbine types now calculate `P_nominal` as maximum, if not explicitely given
- Constants:
- Introducing `P_UNITS`, used in turbine types and output evaluation
- States:
- Bug fixed in `FieldDataNC` with loading multiple files
- Core:
- Improved `DataCalcModel`: Now cleaner treatment of runs with `progress_bar=False`. Also now slimmer for `distributed` scheduler

**Full Changelog**: [](


- Utils:
- Now `geopandas_helpers` can handle interior areas

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