
Latest version: v0.8.2

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- Bug fixes:
- Fix for bug in `FarmResultsEval` that affected time range calculations under Windows
- Bug fixes for `FarmResultsEval` with time series data

**Full Changelog**: [](


- Input states:
- Improved: `FieldDataNC` now supports states subset selection
- Wake frames:
- Improved: `Streamlines` now with maximal length option
- Turbine models:
- New: `Calculator`, simple variable calculation via user function
- Opt:
- Now two abstract problems in core: `FarmOptProblem` and `FarmVarsProblem`, the latter invokes the `SetFarmVars` turbine model
- New opt problem: `RegularLayoutOptProblem`, searches for a regular grid layout
- New opt problem: `GeomRegGrids`, finds regular grid layout by purely geometrical means (no wind farm calculation)
- New opt problem: `GeomLayout`, turbine positioning based on xy variables, also purely geometrical
- New opt problem: `GeomLayoutGridded`, a purely geometrical optimization on a gridded background
- Examples:
- New in `foxes.opt`: Example `layout_regular_grid`, demonstrates regular grid layout optimization
- New in `foxes.opt`: Example `geom_reggrids`, purely geometrical regular layout optimization
- Utils:
- New functions for shape file handling: `read_shp`, `shp2csv`, `read_shp_polygons`

**Full Changelog**: [](


- Core:
- Models now with simplified structure, reduces memory load during calculations
- Algorithms:
- New: `Iterative`, iterative wind farm calculation until convergence has been reached
- Input:
- Improved: `FieldDataNC` now accepts xarray Dataset or file pattern str as input
- New: `ShearedProfile`, Vertical WS profile can be determined with shear exponent
- Output:
- Improved: `FlowPlots2D` replacing horizontal/vertical --> xy, xz, yz, more intuitive
- Wake models:
- New: `TurbOParkIX`, integrates wake corrected TI along centreline for wake width sigma.
- Wake frames:
- Improved: All yawed wake frames now also support centreline data integration
- Notebooks:
- New: `overview.ipynb`, summarizes the setup steps
- Bug fixes:
- Fix for bug in `TurbOPark` wake model: Brackets in Eq. (4) were wrong
- Fix for bug with long streamlines

**Full Changelog**: [](


- Output:
- Improved: `FarmResultsEval` can now handle NaN data in Einstein sums
- Improved: `ResultsWriter` can now also write turbine names
- Turbine models:
- New: `TableFactors`, multiplies variables with data from a two dimensional table
- New: `YAW2YAWM`, calculates yaw deltas from absolute yaw and wind direction
- New `YAWM2YAW`, calculates absolute yaw from yaw deltas and wind direction
- Generalized: `kTI`, now includes optional offset `kb`
- Turbine types:
- Changed: Now yaw correction of `P` and `CT` switched on by default
- Point models:
- New: `TKE2TI`, calculates turbulence intensity from TKE
- Wake models:
- New: `PorteAgel`, calculates wakes based on the Bastankhah PorteAgel 2016 wake model
- Wake frames:
- New: `YawedWake`, bends wakes in yawed conditions
- Wake superposition models:
- Improved: `LinearSuperposition`, now includes options for lower/higher limits of total wake deltas
- Examples:
- New: `compare_wakes`, compares wake models along horizontal lines
- New: `yawed_wake`, demonstrates wake bending by yawing a rotor
- Notebooks:
- New: `yawed_wake.ipynb`, demonstrates wake bending by yawing a rotor
- Bug fixes:
- Fix for bug with `ExtendedStates`, now it is actually working
- Fix for bug with wake width in `CrespoHernandezTIWake`
- Fix for bug with YAW and WD when using the `YAWM2YAW` turbine model
- Fix for bug in `TurbOPark` wake model, double counting constant offset in sigma

**Full Changelog**: [](


- Core:
- New: `ExtendedStates`, allows for adding point data models to states
- Input:
- Improved: `FieldDataNC`, now with support for spatially uniform variables
- Turbine types:
- New: `WsRho2PCtTwoFiles`, air density dependent power and ct curves
- Turbine models:
- New: `SectorManagement`, sets variables by range rules on other variables
- Point models:
- New: `SetUniformData`, set uniform variables (optionally state dependent)
- Examples:
- New: `sector_management`, demonstrates how to model wind sector management
- Notebooks:
- New: `sector_man.ipynb`, demonstrates how to model wind sector management
- New: `data.ipynb`, lists and shows the static data
- Bug fixes:
- Fix for bug with option `col_models` in farm layout from csv

**Full Changelog**: [](


- Bug fixes
- Hotfix for bug in `TurbineTypeCurves` output

**Full Changelog**: [](

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