
Latest version: v2.7.9

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- demonstration Jupyter notebook: [tutorial/notebook.ipynb](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/blob/master/tutorial/notebook.ipynb)
- new [`.default_page_dimensions`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.default_page_dimensions) property on `FPDF` instances
- support for description list (`<dl>`), description titles (`<dt>`), description details (`<dd>`) and code blocks (`<code>`) in `write_html()` - thanks to yk-jp & seanpmulholland
- support for monochromatic images (PIL `image.mode == '1'`) thanks to GerardoAllende
- the 1000+ unit tests suite is now executed under Linux **<ins>and</ins>** Windows, with extra timing & memory usage checks ensuring we control `fpdf2` resource usage
- new translation of the tutorial in [עברית](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Tutorial-he.html), thanks to TzviGreenfeld
- new documentation for using [PyPDF2](https://github.com/py-pdf/PyPDF2) with `fpdf2`, added by devdev29: https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/CombineWithPyPDF2.html
- new documentation for using [Jinja](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/) with `fpdf2`: https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/TemplatingWithJinja.html
- `HTMLMixin` is deprecated, and not needed anymore: **the `write_html()` method is now natively available in the `FPDF` class** - thanks to yk-jp
- `open()` & `close()` methods, that were only used internally and should never have been called by end-user code
- `FPDF.state`, which was an instance of the `DocumentState` enum, and has been replaced by moving the final rendering logic into a new `fpdf.output` module
- after an "empty" `cell()`, `ln()` applied a line height of zero [601](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/601)
- when using `multi_cell()` with `max_line_height` to render multiline text, the last line is now rendered like all the others
- templates don't leak graphics state changes to their surroundings anymore; [570](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/570)
- automatic page break is never performed on an empty page (when the Y position is at the top margin)
- fixed [`insert_toc_placeholder()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.insert_toc_placeholder) usage with [`footer()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.footer) and `{{nb}}`; [548](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/548)
- the SVG parser now accepts `stroke-width` attribute values with an explicit unit, thanks to gmischler; [526](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/526)
- the SVG parser now accepts absolute units for `width` and `height` attributes, thanks to darioackermann; [555](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/555)
- `write_html()` method now correctly handles whitespace when parsing HTML. `<pre></pre>` blocks still maintain spaces, tabs and line breaks.
- the first parameter of `FPDF.add_font()` is now **optional**: if it is not provided, the base name of the `fname` font path is used to define the font family. Hence `pdf.add_font(fname="fonts/NotoSansArabic.ttf")` will define a font named `NotoSansArabic`.
- the output of [`embed_file()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.embed_file) is now a `PDFEmbeddedFile`, not a string, but the internal file name can be retrieved through its `.basename` property
- forbid use of `get_y()` & `local_context()` inside `unbreakable()` as it is currently not supported; [557](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/discussions/557)
- [fontTools](https://fonttools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) minimal version requirement set to 4.34.0; [#524](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/524)


- support for subscript, superscript, nominator and denominator char positioning as well as `<sub>` and `<sup>` HTML tags, thanks to gmischler: [link to documentation](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/TextStyling.html#subscript-superscript-and-fractional-numbers)
- [`set_page_background()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.set_page_background): new method added by semaeostomea: [link to documentation](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/PageFormatAndOrientation.html#per-page-format-orientation-and-background)
- [`embed_file()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.embed_file) & [`file_attachment_annotation()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.file_attachment_annotation): new methods to add file attachments - [link to documentation](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/FileAttachments.html)
- a new method [`set_char_spacing()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.set_char_spacing) allows to increase the spacing between individual characters, thanks to gmischler: [link to documentation](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/TextStyling.html)
- workaround by semaeostomea to support arabic and right-to-left scripts: [link to documentation](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Unicode.html#right-to-left-arabic-script-workaround)
- documentation on shapes styling: [link to documentation](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Shapes.html#path-styling)
- documentation on sharing the images cache among FPDF instances: [link to documentation](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Images.html#sharing-the-image-cache-among-fpdf-instances)

- HTML headings are now rendered with an additional leading of 20% the font size above and below them; [520](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/520)
- `fpdf2` now uses [fontTools](https://fonttools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to read and embed fonts in the PDF, thanks to gmischler and RedShy
- since the fonttools library offers similar functionality, the dependency to "svg.path" is gone again, thanks to gmischler; [525](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/525)

- text following a HTML heading can't overlap with that heading anymore, thanks to gmischler
- `arc()` not longer renders artefacts at intersection point, thanks to Jmillan-Dev; [488](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/488)
- [`write_html()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/HTML.html):
* `<em>` & `<strong>` HTML tags are now properly supported - they were ignored previously; [498](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/498)
* `bgcolor` is now properly supported in `<table>` tags; [512](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/512)
- the `CreationDate` of PDFs & embedded files now includes the system timezone


- new methods to allow signing PDF documents: [link to docs](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Signing.html)
- support for colors defined with the `rgb()` syntax in SVG images - _cf._ [480](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/480)
- New translation of the tutorial in [Ελληνικά](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Tutorial-gr.html), thanks to sokratisvas
- an `/ID` is now inserted in the trailer dictionary of all PDF documents generated.
This ID can be controlled through the new [file_id()](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.file_id) method.
- the [svg.path](https://pypi.org/project/svg.path/) package was added as a dependency to better parse SVG images
- `font_stretching` doesn't make text spill out of `multi_cell()` and `write()` boundaries anymore, thanks to gmischler
- `local_context()` now always restores the correct font settings after finishing, thanks to gmischler
- properly parsing single-digits arguments in SVG paths - _cf._ [450](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/450)
- document outline encoding: it was found to be broken when using a thai font - _cf._ [458](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/458)


- a new option `align="X"` to `.cell()` and `.multi_cell()` allows to center text around the current x position, thanks to gmischler
- allowing to provide an [`AnnotationName`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/enums.html#fpdf.enums.AnnotationName)
and [`AnnotationFlags`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/enums.html#fpdf.enums.AnnotationFlag)
onto [text_annotation()](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.text_annotation)
- allowing correctly parsing of SVG files with CSS styling (`style="..."` attribute), thanks to RedShy
- [`FPDF.star()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Shapes.html#regular-star): new method added to draw regular stars, thanks to digidigital and RedShy
- [`FPDF.ink_annotation()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Annotations.html#ink-annotations): new method added to add path annotations
- allowing embedding of indexed PNG images without converting them to RGB colorspace, thanks to RedShy
- allowing to change appearance of [highlight annotations](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.highlight) by specifying a [`TextMarkupType`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/enums.html#fpdf.enums.TextMarkupType)
- documentation on how to control objects transparency: [link to docs](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Transparency.html)
- documentation on how to create tables and charts using [pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org/) DataFrames: [link to docs](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Maths.html), thanks to iwayankurniawan
- added argument `round_corners` to `FPDF.rect()` that allows to draw rectangles with round corners: [link to docs](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Shapes.html#rectangle) - thanks to gonzalobarbaran
- `FPDF.add_highlight()` as been renamed into [`FPDF.highlight()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.highlight)
- support for `"x"` & `"y"` attributes in SVG `<use>` tags - _cf._ [446](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/446)
- `CreationDate` of PDFs generated, that was broken - _cf._ [451](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/451)
- `multi_cell()` and `write()` ignored a trailing newline character in the supplied text since 2.5.1 - fixed thanks to gmischler


- new `FPDF.page_mode` property, allowing to display a PDF automatically in **full screen**: [link to docs](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/PageFormatAndOrientation.html#full-screen)
- new `FPDF.viewer_preferences` property: [link to docs](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/PageFormatAndOrientation.html#viewer-preferences)
- removed a debug `print()` statement (`multi_cell: new_x=... new_y=...`) that had been left in [multi_cell()](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.multi_cell) method 🤦‍♂️
- preserved backward compatibility with PyFPDF for passing positional arguments to `cell()` & `multi_cell()`, which was broken in 2.5.2
- when [`regular_polygon()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.regular_polygon) is called with `style="f"`,
the shape outline is not drawn anymore. Use `style="DF"` to also draw a line around its perimeter.
- the `fill` parameter of the [`polygon()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.polygon)
& [`polyline()`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.polyline) methods have been replaced by a `style` argument,
offering more control


- new `round_clip()` & `elliptic_clip()` image clipping methods: [link to docs](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Images.html#image-clipping)
- `CoerciveEnum` subclasses have been added: [`Align`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/enums.html#fpdf.enums.Align) & [`RenderStyle`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/enums.html#fpdf.enums.RenderStyle)
- documentation on how to embed Matplotlib charts: [link to docs](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Maths.html)
- documentation on how to use `fpdf2` with [Flask](https://flask.palletsprojects.com), [streamlit](https://streamlit.io/), AWS lambdas: [link to docs](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/UsageInWebAPI.html)
- documentation on how to store PDFs in a database with [SQLAlchemy](https://www.sqlalchemy.org/): [link to docs](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/DatabaseStorage.html)
- `TextMode`, `XPos` & `YPos` now inherit from `CoerciveEnum` and hence can simply be passed as string parameters
- infinite loop when calling `.multi_cell()` without enough horizontal space - _cf._ [389](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/issues/389)
- support for `.pkl` files passed to `add_font()`. This was deprecated since v2.5.1.
As a consequence, `fpdf2` no more uses the `pickle` module \o/

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