
Latest version: v2.7.9

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Not secure
- support for **emojis**! More precisely unicode characters above `0xFFFF` in general, thanks to moe-25
- `Template` can now insert justified text
- [`get_scale_factor`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/util.html#fpdf.util.get_scale_factor) utility function to obtain `FPDF.k` without having to create a document
- [`convert_unit`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/util.html#fpdf.util.convert_unit) utility function to convert a number, `x,y` point, or list of `x,y` points from one unit to another unit
- `fpdf.FPDF()` constructor now accepts ints or floats as a unit, and raises a `ValueError` if an invalid unit is provided.
- `Template` `background` property is now properly supported - [203](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/pull/203)
⚠️ Beware that its default value changed from `0` to `0xffffff`, as a value of **zero would render the background as black**.
- `Template.parse_csv`: preserving numeric values when using CSV based templates - [205](https://github.com/py-pdf/fpdf2/pull/205)
- the code snippet to generate Code 39 barcodes in the documentation was missing the start & end `*` characters.
This has been fixed, and a warning is now triggered by the [`FPDF.code39`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.code39) method when those characters are missing.
- Detect missing `uni=True` when loading cached fonts (page numbering was missing digits)


Not secure
- disable font caching when `fpdf.FPDF` constructor invoked with `font_cache_dir=None`, thanks to moe-25 !
- [`FPDF.circle`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.circle): new method added, thanks to viraj-shah18 !
- `write_html`: support setting HTML font colors by name and short hex codes
- [`FPDF.will_page_break`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.will_page_break)
utility method to let users know in advance when adding an elemnt will trigger a page break.
This can be useful to repeat table headers on each page for exemple,
_cf._ [documentation on Tables](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Tables.html#repeat-table-header-on-each-page).
- [`FPDF.set_link`](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/fpdf/fpdf.html#fpdf.fpdf.FPDF.set_link) now support a new optional `x` parameter to set the horizontal position after following the link
- fixed a bug when `fpdf.Template` was used to render QRCodes, due to a forced conversion to string (175)


Not secure
- erroneous page breaks occured for full-width / full-height images
- rendering issue of non-ASCII characaters with unicode fonts


Not secure
- now `fpdf2` uses the newly supported `DCTDecode` image filter for JPEG images,
instead of `FlateDecode` before, in order to improve the compression ratio without any image quality loss.
On test images, this reduced the size of embeded JPEG images by 90%.
- `FPDF.cell`: the `w` (width) parameter becomes optional, with a default value of `None`, meaning to generate a cell with the size of the text content provided
- the `h` (height) parameter of the `cell`, `multi_cell` & `write` methods gets a default value change, `None`, meaning to use the current font size
- removed the useless `w` & `h` parameters of the `FPDF.text_annotation()` method
- new `FPDF.add_action()` method, documented in the [Annotations section](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Annotations.html)
- `FPDF.cell`: new optional `markdown=True` parameter that enables basic Markdown-like styling: `**bold**, __italics__, --underlined--`
- `FPDF.cell`: new optional boolean `center` parameter that positions the cell horizontally
- `FPDF.set_link`: new optional `zoom` parameter that sets the zoom level after following the link.
Currently ignored by Sumatra PDF Reader, but observed by Adobe Acrobat reader.
- `write_html`: now support `align="justify"`
- new method `FPDF.image_filter` to control the image filters used for images
- `FPDF.add_page`: new optional `duration` & `transition` parameters
used for [presentations (documentation page)](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/Presentations.html)
- extra documentation on [how to configure different page formats for specific pages](https://py-pdf.github.io/fpdf2/PageFormatAndOrientation.html)
- support for Code 39 barcodes in `fpdf.template`, using `type="C39"`
- avoid an `Undefined font` error when using `write_html` with unicode bold or italics fonts
- the `FPDF.set_doc_option()` method is deprecated in favour of just setting the `core_fonts_encoding` property
on an instance of `FPDF`
- the `fpdf.SYSTEM_TTFONTS` configurable module constant is now ignored


Not secure
- a bug in the `deprecation` module that prevented to configure `fpdf2` constants at the module level


Not secure
- a "fake duplicates" bug when a `Pillow.Image.Image` was passed to `FPDF.image`

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