
Latest version: v0.6.1

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- `GSO.Mat(A, update=True)` is now a thing 201
- Fixing https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31146

The following people have contributed to this release (based on the link above):

- Martin Albrecht

Please report issues at




- use per-level enumeration counting API
- various bugfixes
- 187 Use GitHub Actions for CI (Martin Albrecht)
- 186 Update Docstring (Joe Rowell)
- 192 Add `install_requires` (Martin ALbrecht)
- 193 Better `bootstraph.sh` (Martin Albrecht and Marc Stevens)
- 190 Use Github Actions to publish Docker images to https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/fplll/fpylll (Martin Albrecht)
- 195 Context (syntatic sugar) (Martin Albrecht)
- 188 Unit test for Gram Matrix algorithms (Joël Felderhoff)
- 194 `SVP.closest_vector` should do the right thing more often (Martin Albrecht)
- 196 Remove the Gauss sieve (Martin Albrecht)
- 189 Add probabilistic BKZ simulator from BSW18 (Fernando Virdia)

The following people have contributed to this release (based on the link above):

- Martin Albrecht
- Joe Rowell
- Marc Stevens
- Joël Felderhoff
- Fernando Virdia

Please report issues at




This is a bugfix release. Changes in fpylll-0.5.2dev compared to fpylll-0.5.1dev:

- `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` is derived from `CONDA_PREFIX` and `VIRTUAL_ENV` if available (Martin R. Albrecht)
- strategies take arbitrary auxilary attributes now (Martin R. Albrecht)
- enumeration for all data types - fixes 172 (Martin R. Albrecht)
- refresh cocal link (Frédéric Chapoton)
- documentation fixes (Fernando Virdia)


This is a bugfix release. Changes in fpylll-0.5.1dev compared to fpylll-0.5.0dev:

- [load_strategies_json broken in Sage](https://github.com/fplll/fpylll/issues/159) fixed in FPLLL
- [test_lll_lll fails on 32-bit platforms](https://github.com/fplll/fpylll/issues/160)
- [Flaky test in test_pruner.py](https://github.com/fplll/fpylll/issues/161) fixed in FPLLL

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