
Latest version: v0.6.1

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Major changes:

- Support for sub-solutions https://github.com/fplll/fpylll/pull/95 by Martin Albrecht
- Generate more statistics https://github.com/fplll/fpylll/pull/94 by Martin Albrecht
- avoid all LLL calls in postprocessing https://github.com/fplll/fpylll/commit/99bf78cfa288b286bbb9b78f3d4c7ae7bcafc988 by Martin Albrecht
- IntegerMatrix etc over longs https://github.com/fplll/fpylll/pull/77 by Martin Albrecht
- add GaussSieve https://github.com/fplll/fpylll/commit/66f825cfe010e7284535449385dd391bce2a4d56 by Martin R. Albrecht
- Support ReadTheDocs https://github.com/fplll/fpylll/pull/69 by Jeroen Demeyer


Major changes:

- Update to current fplll API (Martin Albrecht)

- Support for gathering multiple solutions from enumeration (Guillaume Bonnoron, Léo Ducas)

- Support for BDD/CVP enumeration (Martin Albrecht, Guillaume Bonnoron)

- Canonical base from/to Gram-Schmidt base conversion (Martin Albrecht)

- Multiply left for integer matrices (Martin Albrecht)

- A new tree-based tracer for gathering statistics (Martin Albrecht)

- A simple parallel BKZ (Martin Albrecht)

- Support for arbitrary auxiliary parameters for `BKZ.Param` (Martin Albrecht)

- `install-dependencies.sh` will clone the matching fplll branch if it exists to aid development (Martin Albrecht)



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