
Latest version: v0.6.0

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New Features

- ( Added method (`export_network_analysis`) for
exporting a selected set of `Network` analysis results.

- (analysis): Added parameters for representing the real counts of traces and

- (general): Added `azimuth_to_unit_vector` function.

- (analysis): Implemented rose plot functionality for non-axial data.

- (analysis.multi_network): Added a ``MultiNetwork`` description function

- (analysis.multi_network): Implemented a rough first draft of a multi-scale
length distribution fit optimizer using `scipy`.


- (analysis): handle empty dataframe

- update single dist plot

- (analysis): change zorder

- (analysis): handle empty array

- (analysis): finalize multi-scale shadows

- (analysis): show truncated length data

- (analysis): add shadows to ternary plot points

- (general): use latex format for units

- (analysis): extend rose plot

- (analysis): return polyfits from set-wise dists

- (analysis): improve length distributions plots

- (analysis): improved length distribution plots

- (analysis): specify if lengths are normed

- (analysis): pass using_branches to LineData

- (analysis): fix basic_network_descriptions_df

- (analysis): fix rename

- (analysis): report min and max lengths

- (analysis): handle extra args

- (analysis): finalize implement of optimization

Full set of changes:


New Features

- (analysis.multi_network): Added multi-scale azimuth set length distribution

- ( Implemented azimuth set length distribution

- (analysis): Implemented a naive implementation of `Network` caching
with `CachedNetwork` class. Errors will be raised if caching fails. User is
recommended to fallback to `Network` in that case.


- (cli): Validation column in validated trace dataset
is now set as a `tuple` instead of as `list` to avoid conflicts
with string representations of the data in e.g. `GeoJSON`.

Full set of changes:


New Features

- (analysis.multi_network): Enable plotting multiple networks into the same ternary
XYI or branch type plot.


- ( Add missing property decorator to

Full set of changes:


Full set of changes:


New Features

- (random_sampling): allow not determining topo


- (tval): handle TypeError from split

- (line_data): refrain from using line_gdf

- (noxfile): setup sphinx-autobuild session

Full set of changes:



- (parameters): fix pie plot function

- refactor deprecated shapely features

- (general): check type

- (random_sampling): get\_ methods are deprecated

- (branches_and_nodes): set crs for outputs

Full set of changes:

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