
Latest version: v0.6.0

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Full set of changes:


New Features

- add heatmap plotting and refactor xyi plotting

- implement additional random sampling functionality

- (analysis): implement multinetwork class and parallel subsampling

- all keys are np.nan by default in numerical network description

- add plot_contour to network


- minor fixes to mypy found issues

- better parameter plotting

- handle nan inputs in vector funcs

- handle non-dict return

- add verbose=False flag to powerlaw.Fit

- specify is_filtered

- add cli entrypoint tracevalidate

- mauldon determination now only for circular

- set random seed for all processes

- specify circular target area and truncate

- return description not full network

- default value for no occurrences is 0, not np.nan

- correct name for network

- fix imports and update version

- minor docs, style and typing fixes

- same default snap threshold in Network as in validation

- fix numerous pylint pointed errors

- comment out general func for now

- minor performance improvement and fixes

- filter features with spatial index before gpd.clip

- remove duplicate line

- fix contour gridding and handle mauldon instability

- determine branches and nodes for each cell

- handle empty node case

Performance improvements

- speed up clipping with pygeos clip implement

- improve test performace

Full set of changes:


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