
Latest version: v1.3.2

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This version updates the package to include importlib_metadata as a dependency. This is a major fix because the package will not function properly without this library.

**Full Changelog**:


This release does not introduce any new features. It simply changes the README and forces to recompile the stable version of the documentation at

**Full Changelog**:


This package now has most of the essential documentation needed for someone to understand it. As such, it will now be bumped to v1.0.0 and considered out of beta. In other words, the package is now ready for use on FRC robots.

**Full Changelog**:


This package can now find the camera's true field position relative to an AprilTag despite any rotational offset from the tag.
This release is stable. It has yet to be bumped to v1.0.0 as the documentation is still in progress.

**Full Changelog**:


This package can now find the camera's field position relative to an AprilTag despite the rotational offset from the tag.
This release is now stable, with a few known errors. It has yet to be bumped to v1.0.0 as the documentation is still in progress.

**Full Changelog**:


<p>This is the v0.5.2 release of FRC-AprilTags. This version addresses issues with storing the calibration images and creating the log file by allowing the related methods to take absolute paths as strings. The path to pass in can be acquired by running "Path(__file__).absolute().parent.__str__()" in the script that calls the other modules. This release also updates the calibration method, which was not correctly done in the v0.5.1 release.</p>
<p>Note: This package is still unstable and should be used on robots with caution. However, it is approaching stability, and version 1.0.0 should soon be released.</p>

**Full Changelog**:

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