
Latest version: v0.0.14

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Documented undocumented API classes / methods
> 2021-08-28 00:18 UTC [HEAD](



Moved from pdoc3 to pydoctor
> 2021-08-27 22:49 UTC [b216289](



Added missing files that causes pipy to fail
> 2021-08-27 22:07 UTC [b201edc](

distutils.errors.DistutilsOptionError: Version loaded from file: VERSION does not comply with PEP 440:



Updated Badge generator
> 2021-08-27 21:14 UTC [a35e7f0](

Including signing on release / amend in makefile
> 2021-08-27 17:15 UTC [062b141](



Changed order of generator for badghes to include in .pypyreadme
> 2021-08-27 16:56 UTC [f217d94](



Updated README
> 2021-08-27 16:52 UTC [968cab1](

Fixed a typo in README
> 2021-08-27 16:42 UTC [4fe9606](

Added badges to top of README
> 2021-08-27 16:40 UTC [92797df](

Adjusted setup.cfg to include python versions
> 2021-08-27 15:48 UTC [e11e256](

Updated README
> 2021-08-27 15:09 UTC [a69f972](


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