
Latest version: v0.4.4

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New Features

* Functions `frites.conn.conn_reshape_undirected` and `frites.conn.conn_reshape_directed` now supports multidimensional arrays (21ba7e05)
* New function `frites.core.ent_nd_g` to compute entropy on tensors (17587a15)
* New function `frites.conn.conn_ii` to estimate the interaction information (10938b46)
* New function `frites.conn.conn_pid` to estimate the partial information decomposition (ac9798dd)
- New function `frites.conn.conn_fit` to estimate the feature specific information transfer (59) - aopy

Bug fixes
* Base 2 `frites.core.ent_nd_g` (686854de)


New Features

* `frites.conn.conn_links` now accepts to use brain region names as source or target seeds (8d7e1fb6)
* New function `frites.stats.confidence_interval` for computing confidence intervals, standard deviation (sd) and standard error on the mean (sem) on numpy arrays and xarray DataArray (3a512537)
* New plotting module with two functions for plotting connectivity matrices, `frites.plot.plot_conn_heatmap` and `frites.plot.plot_conn_circle` (7a107d100e, a480371a74, 33930cc33a1, 24029c4cf6b)
* Add the possibility to control the node's size in `frites.plot.plot_conn_circle` (7454376b)
* Add support for signed connectivity and improve node control of `frites.plot.plot_conn_circle` (78bbb91c)

Bug fixes

* Fix parallel computing of `frites.conn.conn_covgc` (f2ff5f67)
* Use linearly spaced indices instead of closest time points in `frites.conn.define_windows` (b5443ac2)
* `frites.conn.conn_spec` average over tapers after computing connectivity metric (10966a1be3).Thanks to adam2392 and ruuskas from the mne-connectivity package.


New Features

* New function :func:`frites.simulations.sim_ground_truth` for simulating spatio-temporal ground-truths (ba44a424)
* New function :func:`frites.conn.conn_spec` for computing the single-trial spectral connectivity (8151486) - by ViniciusLima94
* New method :class:`frites.workflow.WfMi.confidence_interval` method to estimate the confidence interval (ad0391987, 8189622b, fc584756, fc584756)
* New function :func:`frites.conn.conn_net` for computing the net connectivity (c86b19f0)
* New function :func:`frites.set_mpl_style` for example styles
* New function :func:`frites.conn.conn_links` for generating connectivity links (a0d0182d1)
* New function :func:`frites.utils.downsample` for down-sampling DataArray (59e15e67)
* :class:`frites.estimator.CorrEstimator` can no be defined with Pearson or Spearman correlation with both vector or tensor-based implementations (f6e80e921)
* :class:`frites.workflow.WfStats` now allows to pass `rfx_center` parameter for controlling whether effect-sizes should be centered and `rfx_sigma` for the hat correction (aab68e14)
* :func:`frites.conn.conn_links` can now be used for selecting intra and / or inter-hemispheric connections (87c762c7)
* :func:`frites.conn.conn_links` allows selecting links with inter / intra / both roi connections (74d2cc1b)

Internal changes

* Do not allow anymore to add new keys to the CONFIG dict (abea6675)


New Features

* New :class:`frites.estimator.CustomEstimator` for defining custom estimators (e473c713, 5584654c)
* New function :func:`frites.conn.conn_fcd_corr` for computing the temporal correlation across networks (2001f0c0)
* New function :func:`frites.utils.acf` for computing the auto-correlation (48ef0a03)
* New function :func:`frites.conn.conn_ccf` for computing the cross-correlation (43fceb00)

Bug fixes

* Fix attribute conversion in connectivity functions (b990c76)


New Features
* New estimators (`frites.estimator.CorrEstimator`, `frites.estimator.DcorrEstimator`) for continuous / continuous relationships (73ed8bbb, bc370a93, cf7a3456f)
* `frites.conn.conn_dfc` supports passing other estimators (a864a7b05b)
* `frites.utils.time_to_sample` and `frites.utils.get_closest_sample` conversion functions (7c44478e)
* `frites.conn.conn_ravel_directed` reshaping function (f9b9d272)
* new `frites.workflow.WfMi.copy` for internal workflow copy (0c2228c7, 860f3d45)
* new `frites.workflow.WfMiCombine` and example class for combining workflows (62072ee52)
* new class`frites.estimator.ResamplingEstimator` trial-resampling estimator (13f6271e)

Bug fixes
* Fix `frites.workflow.WfMi.get_params` when returning a single output (3bde82e6)
* Improve attributes conversion for saving netcdf files (bool and dict) (8e7dddb1, c6f7a4db)
* Fix Numpy `np.float` and `` warnings related (896a198a, 7f2a1caef, 0d1a1223)


New Features
* :py:`frites.conn.conn_dfc` supports multivariate data + improve computing efficiency (1aed842, c4ac490)
* Reshaping connectivity arrays support elements on the diagonal + internal drop of duplicated elements (daac241f)
* :py:`frites.conn.conn_dfc` supports better channel aggregation (a66faa77)

Internal Changes
* Connectivity metric now use the :py:class:`frites.dataset.SubjectEphy` for internal conversion of the input data
* :py:class:`frites.workflow.WfMi.get_params` returns single-subject MI and permutations with dimension name 'subject' (instead of subjects) (85884f3a)
* All connectivity metrics now use :py:`frites.conn.conn_io` to convert inputs into a similar format
* Improve CI (18)

Bug fixes
* Fix :py:class:`frites.dataset.SubjectEphy` when the data contains a single time point (a33d4437)
* Fix attributes of :py:class:`frites.conn.conn_covgc` (c120626)
* Fix :py:class:`frites.dataset.DatasetEphy` representation without data copy + html representation (b3ae7b8ea, 16)
* Fix passing `tail` input to the :py:class:`frites.workflow.WfMi` (6df86d1e)

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