
Latest version: v0.4.4

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New Features
* new :py:class:`` class for managing and printing datasets' and workflow's attributes (be046b1)
* new :py:class:`frites.dataset.SubjectEphy` single-subject container (ac22cf4)
* new estimators of mutual-information, :py:class:`frites.estimator.GCMIEstimator` (901b3cbf, 65d1e08, 0015bf58, beed6a09), :py:class:`frites.estimator.BinMIEstimator` (beed6a09)
* new kernel smoothing function :py:`frites.utils.kernel_smoothing`

Internal Changes
* Removed files (cdff9b4, 9e96f8e, 14961aa0)
* :py:class:`frites.dataset.DatasetEphy` don't perform internal data copy when getting the data in a specific ROI (2da73ef)
* Compatibility of MI estimators with workflows (7dc76ee9, e7a9c23f)
* Improve the way to manage pairs of brain regions (8b955a16, bfdf2dba, 57c1e4ba, b1ff8c3d)

Breaking changes
* :py:class:`frites.dataset.SubjectEphy` and :py:class:`frites.dataset.DatasetEphy` to specify whether channels should be aggregated (default `agg_ch=True`) or not (`agg=False`) when computing MI. The `agg_ch` replace `sub_roi` (18d4e24)
* The workflow `WfComod` has been renamed :py:class:`frites.workflow.WfConnComod` (b7b58248)

Bug fixes
* Bug fixing according to the new version of :py:class:`frites.dataset.DatasetEphy` (1a15e05, 7b83a3d, abd1b281, 70bfefb, 5879950, 66acdf2, 4309be9c5, 6dc2fbf8)

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