
Latest version: v1.16.4

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- Revert the linking of the image title of a textblock accidentally introduced
in 1.11.0.

- Fix NewsPortlet creation - always_render_portlet was missing.

- Fix title of newslisting if newslisting is used on a NewsFolder.

- Enable the selection of anchors from all the blocks of a content page in
the WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE).
[mbaechtold, jone]



- Fix position of external link icon when linking textblock titles
with the teaser feature.



- Fixed bug where textblock title linked to image instead of teaser location.



- Fix a bug in the textblock view when subclassed textblock types have
no teaser block schema.

- Fixed a bug which prevented the successful rendering of the textblock
when the image's alt text was based on a unicode string filename ("decoding
Unicode is not supported").



- Add German translations for custom lawgiver action groups.



- Lawgiver: ignore dexterity add keyword permission.

- Added teaser option to textblock.

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