
Latest version: v1.16.4

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- Adjust openlayersimplementation for addressblocks to be able to
add multiple addressblocks on one page with correct map-rendering

- Add browserlayer.

- Remove upload.js

- Add view to check if multiupload is possible.

- Do not use jq in collaps_archive.js.

- Add multiupload view for Listingblocks based on c.quickupload.

- Add mimetype icon to subject-listing

- Fix subjects-vocabulary if we get unique values in case sensitive

- Implement collapsible archive portlet

- Implement alphabetical subject listing as `subject-listing`.

- Added view for contentpage to display the blocks as tabs.
[Julian Infanger]

- Updated translations for url field in addressblock.
[Julian Infanger]

- Change queries for archive and news portlets from portal_type to provided

- Change inser-after to insert-after in viewlets.xml

- Newsfolders query is now looking for the INews interface insted of the
News portal_type

- Add department field to addressblock.

- Enable categorization for PFG forms.

- Disable EventListing if seantis.dir.events is installed



- Remove extraAdressLine from geo query.

- Add ID as column to listingblock.

- Add review state as column to listingblock.
[Julian Infanger]

- Added simplelayout summary view to display more details in contentlisting.
[Julian Infanger]

- Register the `IOrgUnitMarker` interface so that it is avaiable in manage_interfaces.

- Suggest the parents title for addresstitle in addressblock.
Its the better way than just display it if no addresstitle is set.
[Julian Infanger]



- Do not copy parent layout.

- Fix off-by-one error in listingblock.
This caused that the listingblock was not displayed when only one item
was in the listingblock and the block was not editable.



- Fix in news portlet. Use getObject instead of restictedTraverse(path).

- Do not show description field of textblock.

- Use summary attribute in table instead of title.
[Julian Infanger]

- Do not show the author in newslisting for anonymous user, if the property
allowAnonymousViewAbout is not true.
[Julian Infanger]

- Hide empty listing blocks for anonymous.

- Sort content categories alphabetical.

- Fix content_categories index. Should be available on ICategorizable not
on IContentPage

- Add ListingBlock and AddressBlock to addable types of News.

- Added helper javascript for start and end date widget.
[Julian Infanger]

- Fix news result quantity.

- Add a configurable "Show more or show all News link" link into the footer of
the news portlet. It only shows up if there are news to show and if the
"Show all news" box is ticked.

- Search News and Events recursively.

- Change german transaltions.

- Fix content type on text fields of address block: use text/plain as input type.

- News listing view: handle news without effective date.



- Fixed condition for addrestitel in address templates.

- Added publication date viewlet to news view.
[Julian Infanger]

- Add custom date formatter for events.

- Improve test coverage

- Make textblock title searchable.
[Julian Infanger]

- Do not assign any workflow to TextBlock, AddressBlock and ListingBlock
Provide an upgrade step, which removes the currently assigned workflow.

- Fix AddressBlock FTI - Change (Default) alias to (dynamic view).

- Add more test for EventPage.

- Add teaser image functionality for contenpage.

- Browserviews should not be public.
[Julian Infanger]

- Updated German translations

- Fill content-core slot instead of main slot and
show edit-bar.

- Add Event type.



- Init release

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