
Latest version: v4.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Implement example workspaces workflow.

- Move several features from the main policy package to ``ftw.workspace``. Check
Readme for details. If you upgrading to this version be careful, it may enable features you don't want.



- Fix ftw.pdfgenerator import without dependency.



- Add a spreadsheet of the participants in the zip export.

- Export workspace as a ZIP file with the help of ftw.zipexport.

- Add the fullname of the creator of a workspace to the searchable text
index. This way the list of workspaces on the overview tab can be filtered
by creator.



- Do not show filter/search box on activitiy tab.



- Add "Activity"-tab to the workspaces view.

- Overview: replace old recently modified with activity stream.



- Add the fullname of the creator of a workspace to the searchable text
index. This way the list of workspaces on the overview tab can be filtered
by creator.

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