
Latest version: v4.3.0

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- Make pdf export work with document_date.

- Use finalize schemata also for TabbedViewFolder.

- Replace jq by $.



- Workspace details PDF: do not show empty listings.

- Fix error in overview tab when an object has no description.

- Fix filtering on overview.

- Implements sorting on fullname for PrincipalVocabulary.

- Set TabbviewFolder upload capable interface in TabbViewFolder not
on ATFolder.



- Hide view action for TabbedViewFolder.
[Julian Infanger]

- Documents tab: use document date column translation from ftw.file.



- Convert description to plain text, so there is no HTML in tooltip.
[Julian Infanger]

- Hide select-all in overview when filtering contents.

- Show documenDate only if ftw.file is installed.

- Make DocumentsTab work with documentDate.

- Quick upload: run processForm after creating the file.
This sets the creation flag to False.

- Fix display issue with text-field on tabbedviewfolders.

- Add English translations.

- Disable resetting table configuration on tabs: tabbedview does now implement it in a general menu.

- Tabs: define column widths.

- ViewChooser-links should have a href attribute.
[Julian Infanger]



- Add own TabbedViewFolder class and disable setting default page.
Setting the default page does not make sense for tabbed view folders.

- Fix AssignableUsersVocabulary so that it works in portal_factory too.
This is important when ticket boxes are used within workspaces.

- Add tooltip information to titles in documents tab.
ftw.tooltip configuration not included.



- Code cleanup (pep8/pylint).

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