
Latest version: v2.2.4

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Explicitly flush collective.indexing queue before building vocabularies
to address some race conditions where catalog contents aren't up-to-date. [lgraf]



- Make sure terms from KeywordSearchableSource have a title. [njohner]
- Append changelog to long_description [Nachtalb]



- Allow to use sources also not in async mode. [njohner]
- Allow adding new terms in async mode. [njohner]
- Fix an error where it was no longer possible to add tags after another async widget have been used. [elioschmutz]



- Add support for Plone 5.1.x. [mbaechtold]
- Fit newer version of select2 into keywordwidget resources to prevent conflict
with an older vers. of select2 required by plone. [mathias.leimgruber, busykoala]



- Fix french translations. [phgross]



- Remove improper parent of parent validations from ChoicePlus.

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