- Always hide new entries field. [mathias.leimgruber]
- No longer duplicate keywords with non ascii chars. [deiferni]
- Don't drop user-input when a form including the widget has validation errors. [deiferni]
- Fix an issue if the user only inserts one keyword into the widget. [elioschmutz]
- Fix selec2js profile path to select2 resources. [deiferni]
- Downgrade select2 from 4.0.3 to 4.0.2 to fix an ie11 issue. See https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/4525. [elioschmutz]
- Move select2 files into a folder without a version postfix. This makes it much easier to upgrade/downgrade the select2 version without upgradesteps. [elioschmutz]
- BugFix recarding vocabularies and the tags feature of select2. [mathias.leimgruber]
- Add i18n helper for translations. [mathias.leimgruber]
- Implement select2 tag option for adding new keywords. This hides the new keyword textarea. Warning: this is the new default, you can disable it by passing `tags: false`. [mathias.leimgruber]
- Add support for `schema.Tuple` fields. [mathias.leimgruber]