
Latest version: v1.16.1

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- Update RSS to version 2.0 in news_listing_rss view [raphael-s]

- Add option to hide emtpy news listing block. [mbaechtold]

- Use "ftw.referencewidget" as the widget for selecting the paths used
to filter the news items. [mbaechtold]



- Move base test classes to own module. [mbaechtold]



- Fix a bug which prevented inactive news from being shown in combination
with Solr. [mbaechtold]



- Fix a unicode bug when the RSS view is called on a news listing block
having umlauts in its title. [mbaechtold]



- Make NewsFolder and NewsListingBlock addable on plone site per default [raphael-s]



- Fix a bug where the news portlet was shown when it shouldn't have
been shown. [mbaechtold]

- Include inactive news items in the listing view and the news portlet
if the user has the permission to add news items. [mbaechtold]

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