
Latest version: v1.16.1

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- Fix news mopage template. [mbaechtold]

- Use "ftw.keywordwidget" as the widget used to enter subjects/keywords.
You may need to install "select2" manually. See the README for more
information. [mbaechtold]

- Fix the news portlet not able to render if subjects contain umlauts. [mbaechtold]

- Make News and NewsFolder linkable in TinyMCE

- Unify news- and archive portlet markup

- Use porlet class for wrapper on news-portlet.
- Use header for title and section for body.

[Kevin Bieri]



- Add RSS views which are backwards compatible with ftw.contentpage
(requires a custom browser layer for ftw.news).



- Mopage: exclude file listings and galleries. [jone]



- Add a new field on news items which can be used to define a custom external
url (useful for mobile apps). [mbaechtold]



- Users having the permission to add news items will see
inactive news items in the news listing block. [mbaechtold]

- Fix small RST Syntax error in readme file. [raphael-s]



- Fix filter for subjects containing umlauts in newslistingblock.

- Mopage: fix textlead max length (from 100 to 1000). [jone]

- Fix news item class identifier.
[Kevin Bieri]

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