
Latest version: v1.6.10

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- PDF Builder: fix pdflatex after making index.
When references are used in the index, e.g. the index title is in the TOC,
more than one rerun is required after making the index.



- Add a ``quoted_umlauts`` method to the converter.
The method converts all umlauts to the quoted notation.

- Index: sort German umlauts correctly by including umlaut.ist.
For this to work properly all \index{} entries must escape umlauts
with quotes, e.g. ``h"oflich``.



- Fix PDF rendering bug when having underscores in internal hyperlinks.



- Improve table layouting.

- Increase vertical padding of table cells.
- Add line break and vertical space after all tables.




- Fix backslash LaTeX to use `\textbackslash` instead of `\\`.
This fixes problems with backslash in certain environments such as tables.



- Run makeindex when ``*.idx`` files were created during PDF build.
This allows to create indexes easily just by using the latex commands.
The builder takes care that the index is built and the PDF rebuilt properly.

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