
Latest version: v1.6.10

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- Listing converter: limit nested lists to four levels since LaTeX has this limit.

- Listing converter: fix bug when nested lists are not within a item.

- Add provide_request_layer util method to directly provide an interface on the request



- Improve testing speed by using ``ftw.testing``.

- Add table converter css classes:
indent2 -> indent the content 0.2cm
indent10 -> indent the content 1cm
bold -> display content with bold font
grey -> Display cell content with grey text color.
footnotesize -> Display cell content with smaller font size.
scriptsize -> Display cell content with smaller font size.

- Listing converter: cleanup bad html in case when lists are nested without list items.
FCKEditor somehow produces that sometimes.

- Implement customizable layouts.



- Table converter: add css classes for aligning cells ("right", "center", "left").

- Table converter: add cell-border functionality, using css classes "border-right",
"border-left", "border-top" and "border-bottom".

- Table converter: improve grid border, add classes "border-grid" and "listing" for enabling grid borders.

- Table converter: use "tabular" for small tables. 3



- Add use_babel function to layout, enabling the preferred language.



- Added missing MANIFEST.in.



- Added a "debug-pdf" view, enabling the pdf debug mode temporarily.

- Added some French translations

- Implement hyperlink converter.

- Implement convertion of definition lists.

- Rename as_pdf view to export_pdf.

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