
Latest version: v4.2.2

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- Bugfix for DataGridField support if Plone Site is inside a mount point.



- Add support for "collective.z3cform.datagridfield".



- Implement display mode for the reference widget.

- Change name of sample content buildour registry entry to avoid conflicts.

- Implement path restriction option.

- Render hidden input elements for given references, instead of
render them only by Javascript. This way the widget behaves more
like all other plone widgets.

- Implement a additional `traversal_query` parameter for the widget.

- Implement ReferenceObjPathSource for IRelationChoice fields.



- Implement some sort options.

- Use plone.app.redirector to follow renamed and moved content.
Also do not fail if the content has been removed.



- Fix edge case (mainly for tests) if the value passed to the
IList/Widget converter is not a list, but a string.



- Implement testbrowser widget.

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