
Latest version: v4.2.2

Safety actively analyzes 666181 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Respect missing_value set by the field.

- Implement support for ITextLine only with ReferenceWidget.



- Show absolute path starting at the plone root for the selected value.

- Remove the list style type and the obsolete spacing for the selected elements.

- Implement support for IList of IRelationChoice explicitly.
Check Readme for more informations



- Ignore empty value for multiple value field.

- Support chameleon by not rendering handlebar templates. [jone]



- Make it possible to remove an given internal reference (radio button).

- Ignore empty value for single value field.

- Fix search by pressing the "enter" button.

- Always unbind the click event before binding a new one on the ref button.



- Same as 1.0.2 but uploaded to PyPI.



- Reload Items when overlay is reloaded.

- Respect Type constraints on search.

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