
Latest version: v4.2.1

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- Show amount of matching in "select-all" link.



- Enable batching when grouping is enabled. This solves performance issues
on heavy tables.

- Fixed bug where grouping in the state broke the table.



- Read sort_on attribute from grid storage



- Implemented grid state storage stuff with `ftw.dictstorage`

- Implemented server side grouping of listing tables

- added action permission check



- tagged from master instead of plone4 compatibility branch
Your should realy use this one



- Changed the minimum pagesize to 1. A small pagesize is necessary for easy

- Fixed select-all: It does now select all items in the tab, not only the
visibles. Fixed also ordering and duplicity.

- Using jqueryui is now optional. Use the "jqueryui" extras_require for
enabling UI.

- rebuild tabbedview, so that in only done the tabbedview js stuff,
when the tabbedview is displayed

- Added maintainer properly in setup.py

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