
Latest version: v4.2.1

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- Enable extjs in portal_registry with extjs GS profile.



- Removed integrated tooltips.
If you still wand tooltips, use ftw.tooltip



- Disable tabbedview_search instead of hiding.
[Julian Infanger]

- Add new spinner, update spinner position and add helper functions.



- Switch tab after loading contents of new tab, add "loading_tab" class while loading.

- Filtering listings: do not flush all params but flush pagenumber only.

- Hide label of "Filter" box, but keep it for accessibility rasons.

- Make search function more robust, so that it is possible to have a non-listing
view, switchin to a listing view when a search term is entered.

- Fix bug in listing menu generator.

- Add a default "reset table configuration" folder_contents action (which is only
visible on tabbedview tabs).



- Adjust MANIFEST.in: add include for rst files (reamde.rst).



- Added some French translations

- Fix submenu click event binding. Dont use live(click).

- Implemented show_menu condition.

- Add form authenticator to listing forms.

- Fix bug where the persistent ext-js grid state when trying to acces the sort information.
The sort information may not be there in some cases.

- Remove old i18n directory. 3

- Make both JS implementation (default and extjs) work on same branch:

- Better use of ftwtable jquery plugin in tabbed view.
- Register a default tabbedview dictstorage, stored on the plone site.
- Fix markup for extjs implementation.
- Implement selecting and menu support for default implementation.
- Respect extjs-config in registry for deciding if the extjs JS should be loaded.
- Remove non-ftw.tabbedview translations added from custom projects.
- Various cleanup and minor bug fixes.


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