
Latest version: v3.3.1

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Extend workflow updater to migrate workflow history.

- Fix workflow updater to always update objects.
The objects are updated even when it seems that the object was
not update or has no longer a workflow.
This fixes issues when updating a workflow, in which case the
old workflow and the new workflow has the same ID.

- Make sure the transaction note does not get too long.
Zope limits the transaction note length. By actively managing the transaction note
we can provide fallbacks for when it gets too long because a lot of upgrade steps
are installed at the same time.



- Add ``uninstall_product`` method to upgrade step class.



- Update provided interfaces when migrating objects to new class.



- Fix LocationError on manage-ugprades view on cyclic dependencies.



- Add a ``update_workflow_security`` helper function to the upgrade step.



- Fix inplace modification bug when updating the catalog while
iterating over a catalog result.

- Implement new ``importProfile`` directive for creating upgrade steps
that just import a specific upgrade step generic setup profile.

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