
Latest version: v3.3.1

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- Add ``bin/upgrade plone_upgrade_needed`` command. [jone]



- Fix upgrade scaffolding when having dots or other
non-alphanumeric characters. [jone]



- Actually the same as 1.16.1, but pypi was broken when I
released it and now it does not let me use the same version
number. :-(



- Added documentation for the additions of the previous release. [maurits]



- Added ``--all-sites`` option. This iterates over all sites and
performs the specified command on each of them. A failing command
for one site will stop the entire command. [maurits]

- Configure logging for the command line utility. By default print
only our own logging, on info level or higher. With the new
``--verbose`` option print all loggers (so also from other packages
like ``requests``) at debug level and higher. [maurits]

- Added ``plone_upgrade`` command to upgrade a Plone Site. This is
what you would manually do in the ``plone-upgrade`` view. [maurits]

- Added support for installing profiles. Profiles are only applied
once. Example command line: ``bin/upgrade install --site Plone
--profiles Products.PloneFormGen:default``. [maurits]

- Prevented UnicodeEncodeError when piping output of ``bin/upgrade
sites``. This would fail when a site had non-ascii characters in
its title. [maurits]



- Change instance detection to support any name.
Before only "instance*" was supported.

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