
Latest version: v4.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 706259 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- The preview image should not be bigger than the container.
[Julian Infanger]



- Group previews by modification date.

- Implement image preview for ftw.file.



- Fix bad href in overview_sublisting.



- Implement a generic listing on the workspace overview tab.



- Use human date formatting with "today", "yesterday" etc.
for tabs "documents", "events" and "workspaces".



- Add div-element arount ics export for better css selectors

- Provide a workspace browserlayer.

- Make auto-roles, granted to the owner of a workspace, configurable.

- Plone 4.3 compatibility.

- Move the following features from a private repo to ftw.workspace.

- Enable filtering on overview.
- Truncate long text in recently modified listing.
- Use 'today + time' and 'yesterday + time' in recently modified listing.


- Add permissionmapping for ftw.lawgiver

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