
Latest version: v4.3.0

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- Extend only TabbedViewFolders with the additional text field.



- Fix quickupload setup.

- Implement ftw.tabbedview quickupload functionality
into workspace.



- Add workspace details PDF view (extras_require "pdf").



- Fix testing

- Fix sort_index for documents listing.



- List default plone Event in events tab too.

- Get portal_url in helpers with getToolByName, so there is no error if the
items are solr flares.
[Julian Infanger]

- Show 10 items on recently modified listing.

- Set sort_index of meeting title to sortable_title.
[Julian Infanger]

- Icon helper should not return a image if no icon is defined for this type.
[Julian Infanger]

- Display "reset table configuration" in documents and events listing tabs.

- Update custom "events" tab template.

- Use userid instead of username in assignable_users vocabulary.

- Use ftw.calendar to display the events calendar.
[Julian Infanger]



- User ViewPageTemplateFile from Products.Five for Plone 4.0 compatibility.

- Do not show menus and selctions on workspaces and documents tab.

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