
Latest version: v0.38.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Add ``pysam`` package as dependency for working with SAM/BAM/CRAM files.
* Add new submodules ``pybam`` and ``pycov``.
* Rename the commands (e.g. :command:`vfmerge` to :command:`vcf_merge`).
* :issue:`11`: Add new command :command:`bam_slice`.
* Add new commands :command:`bam_head/index/rename`.



* Add ``lxml`` package as dependency for parsing HTML files.
* Add ``matplotlib`` and ``seaborn`` packages as dependency for creating figures.
* Add new command :command:`fucdemux`.
* Add new method :meth:`pyvcf.VcfFrame.filter_phased`.
* Add new method :meth:`pyvcf.VcfFrame.meta_keys`.
* Update :meth:`pyvep.filter_clinsig` method.
* Update :meth:`pyvep.filter_impact` method.
* Add ``as_nan`` argument to :meth:`pyvcf.VcfFrame.markmiss_ad/af/dp` methods.
* Deprecate method :meth:`pyvcf.update`.
* Add new methods :meth:`pyvcf.row_updateinfo/parseinfo`.
* The ``fuc`` package is now available on `Bioconda <https://anaconda.org/bioconda/fuc>`__.



* Update Read the Docs.
* Add new method :meth:`pyvcf.VcfFrame.markmiss_ad`.
* Add ``full`` argument to :meth:`pyvcf.VcfFrame.markmiss_ad/af/dp` methods.
* Add new command :command:`fucfind`.
* Update :command:`dfsum` command.



* Add ``biopython`` package as dependency for working with BGZF compressed files.
* Update :meth:`pyvcf.read_file` method and :meth:`pyvcf.VcfFrame.to_file` method to support BGZF compressed files.
* Update Read the Docs.
* Add new method :meth:`pyvcf.VcfFrame.slice`.
* Add new command :command:`vfslice`.



* Update Read the Docs.
* Add new methods to :class:`pyvcf.VcfFrame` class.
* :issue:`6`: Add new extension ``sphinx.ext.linkcode`` to Read the Docs.



* Rename ``snpeff`` submodule to ``pysnpeff``.
* Add new submodule ``pyvep``.
* Update :class:`pyvcf.VcfFrame` class.
* Add new extension ``autodocsumm`` to Read the Docs.
* Add contents to Read the Docs.

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