
Latest version: v2.7.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* **ENHANCEMENT:** fundamentals is now on conda-forge


* **ENHANCEMENT:** some speed improvements in multi-downloads


* **FIXED:** no longer crashing for scripts where no settings file is passed in via CL arguments
* **FIXED:** database credentials can now be passed to the command-line again


* **FEATURE:** code bases using fundamentals can now include a 'advanced_settings.yaml' file at the root of the project which will be read before the user settings file. User settings trump settings in this 'advanced\_settings.yaml' file. The purpose is to be able to have hidden/development settings.


* **ENHANCEMENT:** added loop to reattempt timed-out queries (up to 60 times)


* **FIXED:** Logger was being set from default settings file even if a custom settings file given from command line

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