
Latest version: v2.7.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* **enhancement:** adding colour to logs
* **enhancement:** addition of port in database connection settings
* **fixed:** replacing depreciated 'is" syntax with ==


* **enhancement:** allowing '~' as home directory for filepaths in all settings file parameters - will be converted when initially read


* **fixed:** delimiters catered for in sql scripts


* **refactor:** `list_of_dictionaries` now returns bytes decoded into UTF-8 string when rendered to other mark-up flavour.
* **refactor:** moved module level numpy imports so that packages with fundamentals as a dependency do not have numpy as a needless dependency


* **fixed:** `directory_script_runner` function `databaseName` parameter changed to be optional


* **feature:** new `execute_mysql_script` function that allows execution of a sql script directly from file
* **refactor:** added a dbConn to the directory script runner

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