:Package: http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/f/funkload/funkload-1.12.0.tar.gz
:Svn: http://svn.nuxeo.org/pub/funkload/tags/1.12.0
:Released date: 2010-05-26
New features
* ``fl-build-report`` is now able to create a report using many result
files. The goal of this feature is to create bench report for a
distributed bench. To be merged the result files must have the same cycles
and cycle duration.
* The hostname and python version is now logged in the result file.
* Try to use `psyco <http://psyco.sourceforge.net/>`_ if installed. Note
that psyco works only on 32-bit system.
* Miscellaneous speed improvments: removing minimal sleep time between
actions, removing useless logs.
* New ``--as-fast-as-possible`` or ``-f`` option to ``fl-run-bench`` to remove
sleep any times between requests and test cases, this is equivalent to
``-m0 -M0 -t0``.
* New ``--enable-debug-server`` option for ``fl-run-bench`` command. This
option run a debug HTTP server which exposes an interface using which
parameters can be modified at run-time.
Currently supported parameters:
- http://localhost:8000/cvu?inc=<integer> to increase the number of CVUs,
- http://localhost:8000/cvu?dec=<integer> to decrease the number of CVUs,
- http://localhost:8000/getcvu returns number of CVUs.
You can load a server and be able to change the number of concurrent users
during the run without pre-specifying it through 'cycles' argument, this
is usefull during debugging or profiling.
This feature has been provided by Goutham Bhat.
Bug fixes
* Fixed a missing semicolon in WebUnit patch, caused all cookies to be combined
into one ubercookie, thanks to Gareth Davidson.
* Do not generate charts when there are no data available preventing:
"RuntimeError: Failed to run gnuplot cmd: ... Skipping data file with no
valid points" error when building a report.
* Fix report charts on OS X darwin, thanks to Ethan Winn and Arshavski