
Latest version: v2.3

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* Allow setting default timescale for Icarus
* Support VHDL libraries in Quartus backend
* Search for cores in subdirectories of other cores
* Allow overriding parameter default values per target

* + improved error handling, bug fixes and refactoring

Olof Kindgren <olof.kindgrengmail.com>
Philipp Wagner <philipp.wagnertum.de>
Piotr Esden-Tempski <piotresden.net>


* Ignore directory tree with a FUSESOC_IGNORE file
* Add lint mode for verilator backend
* Split out backends to separate edalize module
* Add spyglass backend
* CAPI2: Allow toplevel to be specified as string
* CAPI2: Expand environment variables in file names

* + improved error handling, bug fixes and refactoring

Olof Kindgren <olof.kindgrengmail.com>
Philipp Wagner <philipp.wagnertum.de>


* Implement sync-type to determine library provider
* Add support for all tools in CAPI2
* Disable logfile by default
* Add bash completion script
* Add --global flag to select fusesoc.conf file
* Redefine script (hooks) section in EDA API
* Add hooks support for CAPI2

* + improved error handling, bug fixes and refactoring

Andrew Wygle <awyglegmail.com>
Olof Kindgren <olof.kindgrengmail.com>
Philipp Wagner <philipp.wagnertum.de>


* Add BMM and PCF as valid file types
* Support verilog defines in icestorm backend
* Add --no-export option
* Added versioning to EDA API
* Improved path handling under cygwin
* Support user files in all backends
* Added copyto option
* Exit isim properly after simulations
* Add yosys_synth_options
* Fix quoting of vlogparam strings in ISE
* Pass arguments to ghdl in correct order
* Support multiple toplevels in xsim
* Add command-line option for specifying config file
* Add library add command
* Add library sections in config file
* Add run command
* Add experimental CAPI2 support
* Add target and tool switches to build command

* + improved error handling, bug fixes and refactoring

Ahmed Alsawi <ahmedalsawi2012gmail.com>
Andrew Wygle <awyglegmail.com>
Hatim Kanchwala <hatimhatimak.me>
Jack Gassett <jack.gassettgadgetfactory.net>
Olof Kindgren <olof.kindgrengmail.com>
Philipp Wagner <philipp.wagnertum.de>
Thomas Hornschuh <thomashornschuh-family.de>
William D. Jones <thor0505comcast.net>


* Exit with error code when synthesis fails
* Add --version command-line switch
* Improve logging
* Support setting verilog defines in quartus from cli
* Support multiple top-levels in isim
* Removed unmaintained submodule provider
* Remove broken system-info command
* Allow IP-XACT files in subdirectories
* Add UCF as valid file type
* Correctly escape parameters before passing to tools
* Rewrite icarus backend to make reruns easier
* Deprecate verilator define_files
* Separate frontend and backend through EDA API
* Report return code from scripts on failure
* Fix Windows compatibility for Vivado backend
* Fix revision parsing of VLNV names
* vivado: Make our run the default run
* More robust parsing of core files
* + improved error handling, bug fixes and refactoring

Antony Pavlov <antonynpavlovgmail.com>
Ben Reynwar <benreynwar.net>
Olof Kindgren <olof.kindgrengmail.com>
Philipp Wagner <philipp.wagnertum.de>


* Add cmdlineargs support for verilator
* Update dependencies to fix problems with pip
* Support setting verilog verilog defines in ISE from cli
* Add unit tests
* Fix mixing of VHDL2008 and other versions in ghdl
* Support specifying all backend files as filesets
* Remove unused environment variables
* + improved error handling, bug fixes and refactoring

Olof Kindgren <olof.kindgrengmail.com>
Staf Verhaegen <stafstafverhaegen.be>
Stefan Wallentowitz <stefanwallentowitz.de>

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