
Latest version: v3.14.0

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New features
* Added a replay proxy option `--replay-proxy PROXY`;
* Added a `Matcher` option to match responses by regex `-Mr REGEX`;
* Added `Filter`:
* Exclude responses by status codes `-Fc STATUS`;
* Exclude responses by regex `-Fr REGEX`;
* Added recursion jobs feature:
* Plugin scanners now can enqueue payloads for the next job when needed;
* Added directory recursion feature (`--recursion`) on path fuzzing;
* The user can set the maximum recursion level from jobs (`--max-rlevel RLEVEL`);
* Added option to set multiple plugin scanners (when use multiple `--scanner` argument);
* Added [plugin scanners](https://github.com/NESCAU-UFLA/FuzzingTool/wiki/Advanced-Usage#plugin-scanners):
* `Backups`;
* `Wappalyzer`;

Removed features
* Removed the use of multiple http methods;
* Removed `Find` plugin (replaced by match by regex);

* Fixed a bug with match logic on `Matcher`, when set multiple match options and only one is considered;
* Fixed a bug with `DnsZone` plugin when set an invalid hostname;
* Fixed a split string error on function `split_str_to_list`;

CLI output changes
* When do a subdomain fuzzing, the ip address will no longer be shown on cli output. It'll only be stored in the report file;
* Added a progress bar (credits to [Dirsearch](https://github.com/maurosoria/dirsearch) for the idea)

Other changes
* Changed the program binary name from `FuzzingTool` to `fuzzingtool`;
* Now the `Dictionary` object will enqueue `Payload` objects into the payloads queue;
* Each `Payload` has his own recursion level attribute (`Payload.rlevel`) to tell about the job recursion level;
* Now the wordlist creation and build are threaded;

Code refactored
* Added `HttpHistory` object to store the information about the request and response into the result object, including the ip address when do a subdomain fuzzing;
* Moved some functions from `http_utils` module to `UrlParse` class;
* Removed `inspect_result` method from scanners. Now they will append results in the `_process` method;
* Removed decorator `append_args`, no longer needed;
* Updated fuzz types and created a class to store the plugin categories on `utils/consts`;
* Moved both `logger` and `reports` to `persistence` directory;
* Updated the order of the parameters on `PluginFactory` methods;
* Moved the `api` to outside of a specific folder;
* Moved the argument build functions to `utils/argument_utils`;


New features
* Added an option to save the payload configuration on report (`--save-payload-conf`);
* Added an option to save the response HTTP headers on report (`--save-headers`);
* Added an option to save the response body on report (`--save-body`);
* Added an option to match results by the quantity of words on response body (`-Mw QTY_WORDS`);
* Added an option to match results by the quantity of lines on response body (`-Ml QTY_LINES`);
* When press Ctrl+C during the fuzzing, the application will pause and wait for an action (continue, status or quit);
* Added FuzzingTool library and API (check [Wiki](https://github.com/NESCAU-UFLA/FuzzingTool/wiki));

Removed features
* Removed multiple targets option;
* Removed the check for redirections when DataFuzzing is detected;

* Fixed an issue with the HTTP headers read on method `build_target_from_raw_http`;
* Fixed a bug on setup headers from `Requester`;
* Fixed a bug with the `Robots` plugin, that wasn't raising an exception when the robots.txt page was not found;

CLI output changes
* Updated the output from `print_config` to show only the target and dictionary configurations;
* Updated the result output format, no longer needs the `cli_callback` from the scanners;

Other changes
* Changed the fuzzing mark from `$` to `FUZZ`;
* When the application is calibrating the data comparator, it will no longer send a ' ' as arbitraty payload. Instead of it, an ask will be made to the user to set the arbitrary payload that will be send in the request;

Code refactored
* Updated `Matcher` callbacks;
* Added `fuzzingtool/objects` directory to store the FuzzingTool objects;
* Moved `ArgumentParser` to `CliArguments`;
* Updated `ArgumentBuilder` methods;
* Removed `RequesterFactory`;


Code refatored
* Entire code was refatored to pep8 notation;

Repository updates
* Added workflows;

Next steps
* Add unit tests;


New features
* Allow to use multiple encoders;
* Allow to use chain encoders (multiple encoders applied to a single payload);
* Added new encoder plugins:
* `HtmlDec` - encode the payload to html decimal format;
* `HtmlHex` - encode the payload to html hexadecimal format;
* Added new arguments (see [List of Execution Parameters](https://github.com/NESCAU-UFLA/FuzzingTool/wiki/List-of-Execution-Patameters)):
* Allow to encode specific parts of a payload by using regex, with the `--encode-only` argument;
* Allow to remove duplicated payloads from the final wordlist, with the `--unique` argument;
* Added `DnsDumpster` plugin to the wordlists (see [Plugin wordlists](https://github.com/NESCAU-UFLA/FuzzingTool/wiki/Advanced-Usage#plugin-wordlists));
* Added `Grep` plugin to the scanners (see [Plugin scanners](https://github.com/NESCAU-UFLA/FuzzingTool/wiki/Advanced-Usage#plugin-scanners));
* Added option to insert logic operators with the Matcher item that'll be compared (see [Matching results](https://github.com/NESCAU-UFLA/FuzzingTool/wiki/Basic-Usage#matching-results));

For detailed information about the new encoder features, see [Encoders](https://github.com/NESCAU-UFLA/FuzzingTool/wiki/Advanced-Usage#encoders).

* Fixed a bug when more than one http method is specified to same target, and the application stops to run (revised since the last release);
* Updated the `WordlistFactory` exception to no longer show `NoneType` exception, when specifying multiple targets for wordlists without parameters;
* Fixed the split string logic on *splitStrToList* function;

CLI output changes
* Updated the file size to human readable format;
* The simple output option will no longer display the program banner;

Request changes
* Added a lock mutex when setting up the payload on *Request.__getRequestParameters*, to prevent race conditions;
* Added an argument `isSession` in the class constructor to define if the requester will use a session request;
* Added a body setter method;

Scanner changes
* Now the IP address are saved on the result when do a subdomain fuzzing using plugin scanners;

Code refatored
* Moved the http functions from `conn/RequestParser` to `utils/http_utils`;
* Moved the request indexer from the `Request` to the `Fuzzer`;
* Moved the base, default and plugin classes to specific folders;
* Moved the file operation functions from `utils/utils` to `utils/file_utils`;
* Moved the `Logger` to `utils/Logger`;
* Changed the requester factory name from `HttpFactory` to `RequestFactory`;
* Created a consts file `utils/consts` to handle with fuzzing types information, output directory, and also the app fuzzing mark;
* Applied strategy design pattern on the reports;
* Updated python notations on return types from the class methods and functions;
* Inserted decorator functions;


New features
* Allow to insert multiple wordlists (globally or per target)
* Assign a wordlist to each target with numerous `-w`, or a global wordlist using only one `-w`;
* Use multiple wordlists to same target `-w 'wordlist1;wordlist2'`;
* Allow to wordlist plugins automatically detects and build their parameters based on target;
* Now both the exception and the used payload are written in the logfile;
* Added robots.txt plugin to the *wordlists*;
* Updated CLI output options
* Added an option to disable the terminal colors `--no-colors`;
* Added an option to simplify the output mode, removing the time label and reducing the other labels `-S, --simple-output`;

CLI output changes
* Updated the program's progress status: the format is more clean and shows the current payload that are being used;
* Updated the `PathScanner` status codes coloring;

* Fixed the proxy setup on `Request`;
* Fixed the `Logger` that wasn't writting in the logfile;
* Fixed a bug when more than one http method is specified to same target, and the application stops to run;
* Fixed an exception when the same target is setted more than one time. Now a target can appear more than one time if all of them do the same type of fuzzing, or by selecting a global scanner plugin;

Exception handling
* At now, none of the *RequestExceptions* will stop the application, instead of it the program will ask for the user if he wants to continue with that target.
* The *objectCreator* method from `PluginFactory` no longer raises a *PluginNotFound* exception. This exception was transfered to the *classCreator* in the same factory.

Code refatored
* All the program arguments parsing are now handled by `ArgumentParser` that extends the `argparse.ArgumentParser`;
* Separate the `Dictionary` class from the wordlists;
* Removed unused anonimous functions on `CliOutput`;
* The blacklist status codes, and actions, was moved to a separated class called `BlacklistStatus`;
* Removed the `Response` class. Now the `Request` object will return a tuple of items: the raw response from the requests library, and the RTT. The `SubdomainRequest` appends the target's ip to this tuple;
* Moved the FuzzingTool results from the python dictionary to a separated class `Result`
* The results are no longer created by the scanners;
* Changed the *getResult* method from the scanners to *inspectResult*;
* Separated the `Matcher` from the scanners;
* Updated base classes to abstract classes;


Better dictionaries manipulation (beta)
* Allow the insertion of multiple dictionaries (one per target);
* Allow to dictionaries plugins automatically detects and build their parameters based on target;

Exception handling
* FuzzingTool will ask if the user wants to remove the target, on connection errors for subdomain fuzzing, instead of just remove the target.

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