New features
* Allow to insert multiple wordlists (globally or per target)
* Assign a wordlist to each target with numerous `-w`, or a global wordlist using only one `-w`;
* Use multiple wordlists to same target `-w 'wordlist1;wordlist2'`;
* Allow to wordlist plugins automatically detects and build their parameters based on target;
* Now both the exception and the used payload are written in the logfile;
* Added robots.txt plugin to the *wordlists*;
* Updated CLI output options
* Added an option to disable the terminal colors `--no-colors`;
* Added an option to simplify the output mode, removing the time label and reducing the other labels `-S, --simple-output`;
CLI output changes
* Updated the program's progress status: the format is more clean and shows the current payload that are being used;
* Updated the `PathScanner` status codes coloring;
* Fixed the proxy setup on `Request`;
* Fixed the `Logger` that wasn't writting in the logfile;
* Fixed a bug when more than one http method is specified to same target, and the application stops to run;
* Fixed an exception when the same target is setted more than one time. Now a target can appear more than one time if all of them do the same type of fuzzing, or by selecting a global scanner plugin;
Exception handling
* At now, none of the *RequestExceptions* will stop the application, instead of it the program will ask for the user if he wants to continue with that target.
* The *objectCreator* method from `PluginFactory` no longer raises a *PluginNotFound* exception. This exception was transfered to the *classCreator* in the same factory.
Code refatored
* All the program arguments parsing are now handled by `ArgumentParser` that extends the `argparse.ArgumentParser`;
* Separate the `Dictionary` class from the wordlists;
* Removed unused anonimous functions on `CliOutput`;
* The blacklist status codes, and actions, was moved to a separated class called `BlacklistStatus`;
* Removed the `Response` class. Now the `Request` object will return a tuple of items: the raw response from the requests library, and the RTT. The `SubdomainRequest` appends the target's ip to this tuple;
* Moved the FuzzingTool results from the python dictionary to a separated class `Result`
* The results are no longer created by the scanners;
* Changed the *getResult* method from the scanners to *inspectResult*;
* Separated the `Matcher` from the scanners;
* Updated base classes to abstract classes;