New features
* Option to insert multiple targets:
* by urls (for each `-u`);
* by raw HTTP (for each `-r`);
* Option to insert custom, and multiple, http verbs (request methods);
* Fuzzing http verbs;
* Added scanners (see [Default scanners]( and [Custom scanners](;
* Added dictionaries (see [Default dictionaries]( and [Custom dictionaries](;
* Added encoders (see [Encoders](;
* Use requests Session object to perform a session request for URL fuzzings. Keep the common request method for non URL fuzzings;
* Blacklist a response status code to pause the application, or skip the current fuzzed target;
* Added [wordlists]( to the project;
Code refatored
* **ApplicationManager**: Added callback functions to be called on Fuzzer, removed the proxies checker and ajusted the footer content;
* **OutputHandler**: Moved the help menu to ApplicationManager;
* **FileHandler**: Separated the reports and logs functions into classes - Logger and Reporter;
* **RequestParser**: Bring the commom url parsing functions to out of the class;
* Moved the exceptions to `exceptions` directory;
* Moved the useful functions to `utils` directory;
To Do
* Implement crawler plugins;
* Implement GUI interface;
* Implement advanced XSS scanners (by running JS on background);
* Implement advanced SQLi scanners (could build a new plugin to enqueue more requests, to enumerate the database information);
* Implement a proxy to intercept HTTP requests and build the target based on it (suggested by Matheushresende);
* Refator the plugins using Factory design pattern.