
Latest version: v1.10.0

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- Increased support for using OpenMP with clang and, in particular, added OpenMP support
in the released Mac wheels.

- Removed explicit support for using Intel compilers.

- Switch to using Ruff as the code formatter.



- Added KuzminLikeWrapperPotential, a potential wrapper that allows
one to make a Kuzmin-like or Miyamoto-Nagai-like potential out of any
spherical or axisymmetric potential (evaluated in the plane, i.e.,
treated as a spherical potential). Kuzmin-like potentials are obtained by
replacing the spherical radius r with \sqrt(R^2 + (a + |z|^2)), while
Miyamoto-Nagai-like potentials are obtained by replacing the spherical
radius with \sqrt(R^2 + (a + \sqrt(z^2 + b^2))^2). The standard KuzminDiskPotential
and MiyamotoNagaiPotential are obtained by applying this procedure to a point-mass
potential and the Kuzmin/Miyamoto-Nagai-like potentials generalize this to any
spherical potential.



- Allow vector inputs of solar parameters to Orbit initialization: ro, zo, vo,
and solarmotion (595). Useful when sampling over the uncertainty in the solar

- Converted all docstrings to numpy-style format with the help of GitHub Copilot.



- Add specialized integration method to determine surfaces of sections of orbits and
add Orbit.SOS and Orbit.plotSOS methods to compute and plot the surface of section
of an orbit.

- Also added a brute-force method to determine surfaces of sections and plotting them
for force fields for which the specialized method does not work (e.g., orbits in a
non-inertial bar frame). Methods Orbit.bruteSOS and Orbit.plotBruteSOS have similar
interfaces as Orbit.SOS and Orbit.plotSOS.

- Added a method, dMdE, to calculate the differential energy distribution of
spherical distribution functions.

- Added general support for DissipativeForce instances in 2D.

- Implemented NonInertialFrameForce in 2D.

- Started using black for code formatting.

- Allow potentials' density and surface density to be plotted on physical axes.

- Don't fail when writing a (fixed) configuration file, instead just warn.

- Removed the deprecated galpy.util.bovy_coords, galpy.util.bovy_plot, and
galpy.util.bovy_conversion modules. These were replaced by galpy.util.coords,
galpy.util.plot, and galpy.util.conversion in v1.7.

- Removed the deprecated phiforce method from potentials and the accompanying
evaluatephiforces and evaluateplanarphiforces potential functions. These were replaced
by phitorque, evaluatephitorques, and evaluateplanarphitorques in v1.8.0.

- Switched to using Python 3.11 as the default Python version in the test suite.



- Fixed issue in Linux wheels where the OpenMP library wasn't properly
linked to (also fixed the script for the underlying issue).



- Added actionAngleVertical to the public API, an actionAngle class for
1D action-angle calculations. actionAngleVertical was used internally in galpy
before, but now follows the usual method structure for actionAngle classes.

- Added actionAngleVerticalInverse, an inverse actionAngle class that allows one
to go from (x,v) -> (J,theta,Omega) for 1D potentials using a custom
implementation of the torus machinery with point transformations.

- Made it possible to use an interpSphericalPotential as the potential in spherical
distribution functions (554)

- Made the potential input explicitly positional-only for all galpy.potential
functions to avoid errors when specifying it as a keyword argument.

- Rewrite actionAngleAdiabatic's Python implementation as a combination of
actionAngleSpherical (for the 2D planar part) and actionAngleVertical (for
the 1D vertical part).

- Dropped Python 3.7 support (to allow required positional-only arguments
using PEP 570).

- Dropped Appveyor CI builds entirely, now only using GitHub Actions for CI.

- Added Orbit.animate3d to display a 3D animation of an integrated orbit (532)
with an optional Milky-Way representation at the origin when plotting x,y,z.

- Improved the performance of Orbit.animate performance by using webgl, some UI
tweaks. Also fixed using Orbit.animate in jupyterlab and retrolab (latter

- Run tests with deprecation warnings of various types (DeprecationWarning,
FutureWarning, AstropyDeprecationWarning) turned into errors to guard against
coming deprecations (538)

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