- Added support for providing inputs to all initializations, methods,
and functions as Quantities with units and for providing outputs as
astropy Quantities. See pull request 258 and the documentation for
full details.
- Added TwoPowerTriaxialPotential, a set of triaxial potentials with
iso-density contours that are arbitrary, similar, coaxial ellipsoids
whose 'radial' density is a (different) power-law at small and large
radii: 1/m^alpha/(1+m)^beta-alpha (the triaxial generalization of
TwoPowerSphericalPotential, with flattening in the density rather
than in the potential, see Merritt & Fridman 1996, Binney & Tremaine
2008). These include triaxial Hernquist and NFW potentials. Includes
fast C implementations that allow efficient orbit integration in
these potentials (<~5 ms / orbit).
- Added SCFPotential, a class that implements general
density/potential pairs through the basis expansion approach to
solving the Poisson equation of Hernquist & Ostriker (1992). Also
implemented functions to compute the coefficients for a given
density function.
- Implemented galpy.actionAngle.actionAngleIsochroneApprox (Bovy 2014)
for the general case of a time-independent potential, allowing
action-angle coordinates to be computed for triaxial
potentials. Previously, this module only supported axisymmetric
potentials. Also allow the maximum number of terms in the expansion
to be set object-wide and allow a fixed time-step to be used in the
necessary orbit integration.
- Added an (experimental) interface to Binney & McMillan's TorusMapper
code for computing positions and velocities for given actions and
angles. See the installation instructions for how to properly
install this.
- Re-defined the amplitude parameters of a few potentials to allow for
easier setups with amplitudes provided as Quantities with
units. This is the case for FlattenedPowerPotential,
PowerSphericalPotential, and PowerSphericalPotentialwCutoff,
CosmphiDiskPotential, LopsidedDiskPotential, and
- Added a module for modeling the effect of a subhalo impact on a
tidal stream (galpy.df.streamgapdf); see Sanders, Bovy, & Erkal
(2016). Also includes the fast methods for computing the density
along the stream and the stream track for a perturbed stream from
Bovy, Erkal, & Sanders (2016).
- Added functions to galpy.df.streamdf to compute the length of the
stream, the density along the stream quickly (in various
coordinates, including custom sky coordinates), to compute the
probability p(freq_parallel,angle_parallel), and to estimate the
number of encounters with DM subhalos. Also allow the stream track
to be computing using the new actionAngleTorus (this last addition
is still very experimental).
- Added PseudoIsothermalPotential, a standard pseudo-isothermal-sphere
- Added KuzminDiskPotential, a potential represented by a razor thin
- Allow transformations to custom sets of sky coordinates in
- Added the spherical radius as an Orbit method.
- Added the spherical-radial force as a Potential method (rforce) and
function (evaluaterforces).
- Support for flipping the velocities of an orbit in-place (useful for
backwards integration).
- quasiisothermaldf input ro replaced by refr to avoid clash with ro
that specifies units (see above).
- Properly intercept CTRL-C (SIGINT) signals during orbit integration
in C, allowing long orbit integrations to be interrupted without
killing an entire Python session.
- Internally use astropy.coordinates transformations to transform
between (ra,dec) and (l,b). Can be tuned using the astropy-coords
configuration parameter. Also allow general epochs for the (ra,dec)