date: 2024-11-14
- Fix error on loading new panel layout
- Add context menu to statistics panel to choose columns
- Add call_func_ext as extension on call_func to call a function on another thread of process with kwargs
- Extend the funcitonality on default dir and file for formlayout get and set file/dir dialog
- Fix cancel of Choose statistic dialog and add stat dependent formatting
- Fix some ndim = 3 behavior combined with bayer pattern
- Add callbackexcept to wrap around a callback to capture errors from other thread or process
- Return a error codes on deeper exception
- Add dump and who functions
- Fix gamma for negative values
- Improved walking ants (fixes missing redraws)
- Add color argument on creation
- Add add_roi_slices to image proxy
- Add roi of selected pixel to select menu
- Support empty roi
- Add Reselect Roi as replacement for Select All
- Add ViewerRoiAccess as easy interface to the roi's
- Auto color for new roi's
- Don't enforce 4 decimals
- Add menu to select custom roi
- add gui.roi as The named roi interface of the current image viewer
- Refresh profiles and histogram on check/uncheck roi's
- Add active argument to add_roi_slices
- fix(34): Avoid crash on PySide v6.8.0
- Roi's: Move non actives to end and new actives to last active
- Add header menu
- Add body context menu and more advanced check box click behavior
- Add a simple textbrowser message window
- Add TextBrowser dialog
- dev: Base 'interprete' console background on 'base' color
- This is white (ffffff) for the light windows theme and a dark gray (2d2d2d) for the dark windows theme. For pyside2 and older pyside6 it remains white even if the dark windows theme is active.
- This makes the dark theme at least usable, but it still does not look great.
- dev: Use default widget back ground color for rulers
- This is needed to make it readable in the dark mode and should not affect the light mode
- dev: Force black text on light background labels
- Otherwise, in dark mode the white text won't be readable
- dev: Expand range of allowed matplotlibs
- doc(minor): Add some type hints
- fix(36): Avoid crash with matplotlib/PySide6/Linux
- Don't interfere with buffer ref count.
- fix(36): Only adjust refcount on PySide/Pyside2
- Fix passing the error message to gui for exec_func and exec_one_command in console interpreter
- Support for use of default messagebox icons on textbrowser dialog
- Set the icon to the titlebar
- Add cfa pattern icons
- Replace default titlebar of statwindow with the profbutton itself
- Add 20, 22 and 24 bit scales in levels
- Make a group of 3 button for y scale: lin, log, and 1
- Extend the statistcs/roi toolbar
- Add checbox icons
- Use check_boxes icon
- Fix docking button for StatsDock
- Move the ImageViewerWidget object to seperate file
- Add gui.img.is_roi_selected()
- Add icons for rgb and monochroom masks selection
- Add mask selection button to statspanel
- Add option for cummulative histogram
- Use inverse error function scaling for log+norm levels scaling
- Remove commented out code
- Move imgview status bar to seperate file
- Don't freeze y or enforce fixed y 0 when moving the plot if log and cumulative
- Remove auto show of roi selection, use double click or menu item
- Add refresh after adding new roi
- Prevent content editing the statistic panel
- Request image viewer context menu by signaling
- Remove all searchForRoiSlot after context menu ended
- Hide the dock when needed on docking
- Give the __wrapped__ object priority on shell.edit
- Add gui.putdir()
- dev: Create an image panel if needed when loading file in ndim panel
- fix: Apply all Linux-specific workarounds also to OSX
- fix: Disable redbull on non-Windows platforms
- fix: Import PressKey only on Windows
- fix: Make compatible with PySide6 v6.8.0.2
- fix: Don't use native menu bar on OSX
- Let Qt render the menu inside the window.
- dev: Fix colored background for checked tool button
- This is needed for pyside6 where for some reason it is not visible if it is checked or not in the default style. But it does not hurt pyside2 either.
- Add options to turn of the ylabels on the levels
- Don't enforce ymin=0 for auto y zoom
- add setWaitCursor and restoreCursor
- rename setWaitCursor to setBusyCursor and use BusyCursor
- Add button in statpanel to cycle through show onyl roi/hide roi or show all
- Add button in level panel to cycle through show onyl roi/hide roi or show all
- Tollerate a selected rows on the now empty table
- Use an eye icon for the show/hide/all roi menu
- Don't redefine the chanstat everything, but only update the needed items
- Remove some roi icons
- Still overwrite all predefined mask def by default