
Latest version: v1.3.0

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- Add menu item close other panels of same category
- New raw image import featues:

- guess of resolution based of file size
- Little or big endian pixels

- new definition and system of which config files to load

- config item "next_config_files" replaced by "path_config_files"
- is now a list of files to load in order
- by default: ["%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Gamma-Desk/gdconf.json", "gdconf.json"]

- More conservative panel drop policy
- Matplotlib backend for child processes
Use ``pylab.switch_backend('module://gdesk.matplotbe')`` in child process to activate
- Bug fixes



date: 2021-05-04

- Add options to disable auto scroll down on new text added to console output
- Fix Ctrl+O shortcut for console
- Using Ctrl+Shift+Z or Ctrl+Shift+Y for prior or next image
- On StdInput: using maximum block count disables undo history, removing the set of maximum block count
- Fix bad returned part causing doubling ' in some cases
- Add loglevels to logfile and console logging handlers
- Use TIFF FI format by default on save image dialog
- Add menu items on image panel: to 8-bit, to 16-bit
- Save the selected figure to a file
- Adding hist size policy to config
- Support for different versions of matplotlib: 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4
- Add multiple shortcuts on plot menu



date: 2021-03-30

- Console: Open file with suitable panel class
- Byte size limit on Image History
- Support panel proxies with shell.edit(object)
- Improve panel placement in scroll area (still experimental)
- Code clean-up
- Bug fixes



date: 2021-03-23

- Add bindmenu to image viewer
- Add more documentation
- Add command history panel
- Add HTML panel



date: 2021-03-22

- First release

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