
Latest version: v0.2.18

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* Added blood pressure API call and example by psdupvi
* Added floors climbed and descended API call and example by Ghodot


* Added Chinese signin URL to prevent login issues by sydongda


* Added new body battery API call get_body_battery() by dpfrakes
* Fixed bug in garmin.get_hrv_data() returning wrong format by psdupvi


* Added daily step data summary endpoint for date range by dpfrakes
* Fixed spelling errors fixed by cclauss
* Small cleanups


* Added API call and example to fetch activity exercise sets
* Added API call and example to fetch progress summary
* Fix unset method. Garmin requires it now to be a DELETE request
* Fix for device alarm api call when value is 'null', also added example to fetch them
* Fix in for fetching activities
* Added API calls and example to get gear data, e.g. shoes etc
* Experimental HRV api call added

A big thank you to all contributors for their input, bug reports and PR's!


* Added get_goals method to API client (status param can be "active", "future", or "past"
* Added all 3 variations to example program
* Fix typos in and
* Removed json from pip install instruction (json is a built-in lib)
* Renamed variable copied from activities API methods
* Fixed AttributeError regarding 'download_activities' in

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