
Latest version: v0.2.18

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Replaced upload_fit_activity() with upload_activity() which supports more filetypes


* Added method to get training status


* Added method to get training readiness
* Added method to upload fit data from local file
* Enhanced example code
* Fixed bugs in example code
* More documentation
* Added example code
* When passing session file to init credentials are optional
* Multiple minor bug fixes
* Added method to retrieve available badge challenges
* Added method for retrieving non-completed challenges
* Added method to retrieve available badge challenges


* Fixed max_metrics call url
* Better session and cookie management


* Re-added get_activities_by_date()


* Added get_activity_evaluation
* Added get_earned_badges
* Added get_adhoc_challenges
* Added get_badge_challenges
* Added get_stress_data
* Fixed logging mechanism
* Better error handling
* More debug output
* Logout call fixed
* Added respiration and spo2 data
* Added get_last_activity
* Added url in forbidden url error message

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