
Latest version: v1.123.0

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- Add `tlv_utils` for Matter TLV payload handling.
- Add `SetOtaMetadataForProvider` API support.

Unit tests:
- Fix regex loading of tests in 'switchboard_tests'
- Add a flag for regex selection of individual test cases, classes, or modules
- Open source
- Make default fake_responder logs immutable. Part4

- HTTP request implementation via SSH port forwarding
- Make mobly_controller._get_log_directory public
- Reduce noise from event parser debug level logs.
- Fix pylint errors in
- Fix occupancy_sensing_pw_rpc type annotations
- Log the traceback for errors encountered during detection queries
- Update tests overwriting 'self.device' for multi-device testbeds


- Regression test suite for Matter controller+end device
- Add cluster type annotations to Matter endpoint interfaces
- Update `device_service` proto for `SetOtaMetadataForProvider`
- Add Speaker endpoint capability.
- Fix `rpimatter` and `nrfmatter` test suite failures.
- Fix Occupancy Sensor attribute type.

- [ADB utilities] Change 'connect' and 'disconnect' verification to polling with a timeout
- Cleanup test execution order dependency and naming convention


Matter & PigweedRPC:
- Implement color temperature command and attribute
- Implement RPi Matter recover method for process not running error
- Include RPC error message and code for better logging.

- Allow setting floats on device properties
- Add type annotations to 'health_checks' properties


- Clarify 'build_folder_url' upgrade argument means a 'gs://' URL
- Fix raspberry_pi_matter_controller logging command
- Fix user for `rpimatter` device setup doc.
- Use `ubuntu` user for RPi Matter device
- Break the Raspi passwordless SSH key setup as a separate doc
- Fix package_management_android has_package method
- Rename matter sample app capability for better readability.
- Fix rpimatter test suite failure
- Increasing timeout for snmp detect since 16 port dlinks take ~60 seconds
- Update parallel utils to support log_directory
- Add recover method to reduce jlink board flashing flakiness.
- Add window covering device type support
- Add a 'factory_reset' method to Raspberry Pi Matter sample app device class
- Add support for shell arg in subprocess_util
- Fix door_lock_chip_tool 'lock_state' property
- Update protobuf version requirements.
- Fix adb_util.list_port_forwarding - allow adb-over-ip identifier
- Add list_port_forwarding function in adb_util
- Add support for SuperSync15 Cambrionix
- Validate the IP address format in host_utils.is_pingable
- Fix door lock chip tool implementation.
- Update attribute_service proto


- Add an option to limit detection to specific communication addresses
- Disable RPC not working error for Matter device health check.
- Fix several RPiMatter functional test failures
- Fix and clean up SDK related nits.
- Fix door_lock_chip_tool lock_state attribute
- Update rpi_matter_controller doc to capture PAA cert info and libssl workaround
- Fix newer NRF boards being detected twice
- Add CalledProcessError to dlink_switch.DlinkSwitch._get_total_ports docstring.
- Minor Switchboard.health_check method interaction fixes
- CHIP tool implementation for Door Lock cluster
- Fix Matter linux app setup document.
- Fix Matter endpoint constants for PwRpc and CHIP tool implementation.


- Add support for DLink DGS-1210 models, expand timeout for detection logic, and refactor total_ports method.
- Add RPC check to matter_base_device's health checks
- Functional test suite for On/Off Plug-in Unit.
- Fix EFR32 lock app test failure
- Add custom_types.DetectionInfo
- Remove dependency injection of ethernet_switch and change ethernet_switch_ip -> ethernet_switch_name
- chip-tool implementation of thermostat cluster
- Minor enhancement for host_utils.is_pingable
- Add "On/Off Plug-in Unit" endpoint.
- chip-tool implementation of sensor endpoint clusters

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